Page 18 - january 2022
P. 18


                                                                   Be a Hero!

                                                                   Ellen Ino, DTM

                                                                  Pick the analogy that works for you. Bette
                                                                  Midler’s song “Wind Beneath My Wings” or
                                                                  behind every successful leader is a team of

                                                                  Radar O’Reilly’s. Ellen Ino, D7 Zoom Masters
                                                                  Team Leader, is looking for some heroes to
                                                                  fulfill the District 7 Zoom needs for:
                                                                     •  Club Officer Makeup Training (now-

                                                                        Feb 28, 2022)
                                                                     •  Contest Season (January 29, 2022-May
                                                                        7, 2022
                                                                     •  D7 Conference (May 5, 2022-May 7,

                                                                     •  TLI (June 3-4, 2022)
                                                                     •  Club Officer makeup training sessions
                                                                        (June 5-August 31, 2022)

                                                                     We need more Zoom Masters at varying
                                                                  skill levels. Give Ellen a call and set up zoom
                                                                  training and/or assessment to Join the Team!

                                                                     Ellen Ino
                                                                     503-285-4805 landline

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