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The Lost Art of Discourse

      Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG - Publisher/Editor

       In one of my clubs recently, a member presented a point of view that

       was intentionally abrasive to many in the audience. Their topic had political
       overtones that made some feel uncomfortable. During the evaluation, the
       speaker was admonished to “remember their audience.”

           It seems to me that a sense of unease has crept into our meetings and
       dampened open discourse. We have become self-limiting and cautious, afraid
       to state an opinion. We’ve come to a point where open discussion and debate
       are shunned for fear of reprisal or embarassment. I haven’t forgotten that Dr.
       Ralph Smedley and the early founders thought discussing the issues of the day

       should be a regular part of Toastmasters meetings. In fact, debate was one of
       the tools used to develop leadership and communication skills. If you’ve read
       Harvey Schowe’s “Buried Treasure” articles that appear regularly in Voices!, you

       will find that many speeches revolved around the politics of the day.                         EDITORIAL
           Every so often, someone will be brave (or foolish) enough to state their
       opinion. Not often, because the blowback can get uncomfortable. Collectively,
       we’ve allowed our meetings to  become neutral, gray, of no substance. There
       were (maybe still are) a couple of clubs in the Distict who were not afraid to

       take a stance and express their opinions during their meetings. Over time, they
       too found it easier to dial back the rhetoric and keep their thoughts hidden.
           I think it’s time for us to quit shushing those we disagree with. Instead, let’s

       actually have a dialogue where every opinion has merit. Let’s learn the art of
       persuasion so that we can become the thought leaders and
       communicators Dr. Smedley meant for us to be.

       Volume 8 Issue 02 August 2021  Monthly Columnists   2021-22 Officers       Administrative Manager
       Publisher                  David Freedman, IP3      District Director      Graham Smith, PM2
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Eldred Brown, DTM        Eldred Brown, DTM
                                  Emilie Taylor, DTM                              Public Relations Manager
       Senior Editor              Harvey Schowe, DTM       Program Quality Director  Charissa Yang, IP4
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Jennifer Schmidt, EH2    Lorri Andersen, DTM
                                  Lee Coyne, ATMS          Club Growth Director
      Associate Editor            Lorri Andersen, DTM      Jim Robison, DTM       Voices! is published monthly by District 7
      Leanna Lindquist, DTM       Paul Fanning, DTM                               Toastmasters. First issue published August
                                  PJ Kleffner, DTM         Finance Manager        2014. Submit articles or contact us at
                                                           Jamie Gould, CC

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