Page 3 - June-2021-Voices
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It’s Nearly Over!

      Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG - Publisher/Editor

      Another year comes to an end. And what a year it has been! We started the year

      connecting with more Toastmasters online than ever before in a live Toastmasters
      convention. District 7 Clubs gained members from around the globe, making
      us truly an international District. We’ve turned the pandemic corner here in

      District 7 and are headed towards a brighter and more productive future. Soon
      we will transition into blended Clubs accommodating members who joined us
      through the magic of Zoom. We’ve been thrown into a maelstrom of change
      from which we are emerging stronger and more technically savvy. Pathways
      has been fully implemented with members deciding whether to embrace the

      program or move on to other endeavours. Transition and change are part of
      life. The lesson is how to deal with the new paradigm.
          Our leadership team is finishing the year by planning for the next. If you’ve not

      been approached to accept an appointed position, let the incoming team know                    EDITORIAL
      of your interest. There is always work to be done, and it only gets accomplished
      when members choose to be involved. If you are an event planner, leader, coach,
      mentor, or have the desire to learn the necessary skills to be successsful in
      these roles, speak up! I know for a fact that you will learn more than you ever

      thought possible, and you will have plenty of stories to share as you complete
      your next Path.
          And finally, as you put the finishig touches on your year, reflect on

      your wins and losses. Both contain important lessons. See
      you next year!

       Volume 7 Issue 10 April 2021  Monthly Columnists    2020-21 Officers       Administrative Manager
       Publisher                  David Freedman, IP3      District Director      Phyllis Harmon, DTM
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Eldred Brown, DTM        PJ Kleffner, DTM
                                  Emilie Taylor, DTM                              Public Relations Manager
       Senior Editor              Harvey Schowe, DTM       Program Quality Director  Neal Iversen
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Leanna Lindquist, DTM    Eldred Brown, DTM
                                  Lee Coyne, ATMS          Club Growth Director
      Associate Editor            Lorri Andersen, DTM      Lorrie Andersen, DTM   Voices! is published monthly by District 7
      Leanna Lindquist, DTM       Paul Fanning, DTM                               Toastmasters. First issue published August
                                  PJ Kleffner, DTM         Finance Manager        2014. Submit articles or contact us at
                                                           Jamie Gould, CC

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