Page 3 - March 2021 Voices
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Musings on a Spring Day. . .

      Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG - Publisher/Editor

            pring has sprung! The daffodils are in full bloom. The first signs of the
            wintered over bulbs poking their furled heads up through the soil bring
      Sme joy. This is a time of renewal and anticipation of better days ahead.
          Speaking of renewals—have you paid your Club dues yet? As a Club
      Treasurer, getting them submitted is a top priority for me right now. After that,
      I’ll concentrate of helping my Clubs meet their DCP goals. All three of them are on their
      way to President’s Distinguished again giving me bragging rights at member events.
          Which leads me to thinking about the District conference, Rise to the Challenge! It’s
      an inspiring theme, causing me to ponder what challenges I need to overcome. There
      is aging of couse, no getting around that challenge. I keep thinking that if I just keep
      busy I’ll conquer feeling and acting my age. My husband, Van, says I can’t sit still. Which
      is probably why I just accepted a full-time job at 72.
          Then there is the challenge of the ongoing pandemic. Depending on who you
      listen to, it is waning or it is not. I prefer to think that it is devolving to the status of
      the common cold, which is also a coronavirus. Now that Hydroxychloroquine is an
      acceptable therapy per CDC pronouncement and people are rushing to the nearest
      nurse with a needle, I expect we will be returning to a semblance of social interaction
      fairly soon. Which is another challenge.                                                       EDITORIAL
          I’ve gotten really used to rolling out of bed on Friday mornings, running a brush
      through my bed hair, and sitting in front of a computer screen a t 6:35 am for another
      Club meeting. I wonder if members can be enticed away from their computers and
      back to breathing the same air once again. When we do get back together, how are we
      going to keep our out-of-town members engaged?
          So yes, spring has definitely sprung. There are challenges to overcome and goals to
      finish. I can either rise to the challenges and meet them head on with ideas and plans
      or stick my head in the proverbial sand waiting for them to pass. As Van would tell
      you, conquering challenges is part of my DNA. There will be no head sticking for me!
          What about you? Are you ready to leap into tomorrow and all
      that it has to offer? Of course you are! On your mark. . . get ready. . .
      set. . . GO! See you at the finish line.

       Volume 7 Issue 9 March 2021  Monthly Columnists     2020-21 Officers       Administrative Manager
       Publisher                  David Freedman, IP3      District Director      Phyllis Harmon, DTM
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Eldred Brown, DTM        PJ Kleffner, DTM
                                  Emilie Taylor, DTM                              Public Relations Manager
       Senior Editor              Harvey Schowe, DTM       Program Quality Director  Neal Iversen
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Leanna Lindquist, DTM    Eldred Brown, DTM
                                  Lee Coyne, ATMS          Club Growth Director
      Associate Editor            Lorri Andersen, DTM      Lorrie Andersen, DTM   Voices! is published monthly by District 7
      Leanna Lindquist, DTM       Paul Fanning, DTM                               Toastmasters. First issue published August
                                  PJ Kleffner, DTM         Finance Manager        2014. Submit articles or contact us at
                                                           Jamie Gould, CC

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