Page 7 - January 2020
P. 7

Debra Burger, PM4
                           Fostering a Culture of Growth

                           Phyllis Harmon, DTM

                                January’s cover story features Division C Director, Debra
                                Burger, PM4. Debra joined Toastmasters in 2006 and is a
                                member of Transtoasters in Salem, Oregon.

                                Why did you join Toastmasters?

                                    I had to do a speech in my high school speech
                                class. It was my first experience with public speaking.
                                I stepped up to the lectern. All I saw were eyes staring

                                back at me. I felt shaky. I felt myself getting warm like
                                a thermometer. I looked down at my arms and saw
                                red blotches. I don’t even remember what I said but I
                                started to hear the giggles and snickers from all the

                                high school kids. Back then that really bothered me.
                                I bolted out of the room before my speech was done.
                                    Fast forward to my first state job. I realized that I
                                was going to have to overcome my fear of speaking in

                                public. I went to a Toastmasters meeting and tried not
                                to make any eye contact so they wouldn’t call on me
                                to give a Table Topics speech. I joined Transtoasters
                                Toastmasters in 2004. We meet in the Department of

                                Transportation Building in Salem on Tuesdays from
                                12 pm to 1 pm. I thought that joining Toastmasters was
                                all I needed to do to become a better speaker.

                                                                                 VOICES! | JANUARY 2020        7
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