Page 44 - December 2019
P. 44



          AWARD            DATE                        MEMBER                              CLUB NAME

       IP4              11/14/2019      Semenchalam, Rakesh                    PMI Portland Toastmasters
       IP1              11/14/2019      Simco, Heather                         Toastmasters For Spkg Prof
       IP1              11/18/2019      Smillie, Chiaki Ishimura               Noon Talkers
       DL1              11/18/2019      Speaks, Sheree                         Lebanon Toastmasters

       DTM              11/14/2019      Standeven, Ernest J.                   Toast of Corvallis Toastmasters
       ALS              11/14/2019      Standeven, Ernest J.                   Toast of Corvallis Toastmasters
       LDREXC           11/11/2019      Standeven, Ernest J.                   Toast of Corvallis Toastmasters

       ACG              11/6/2019       Standeven, Ernest J.                   Toast of Corvallis Toastmasters
       ACG              11/20/2019      Stark, Katherine                       Buckaroo Toastmasters
       SR3              11/13/2019      Stark, Katherine                       Buckaroo Toastmasters
       VC2              11/5/2019       Stephenson, Karen F.                   Corvallis Evening Group
       CL               11/14/2019      Svehaug, Alan R.                       New Beginnings Toastmasters

       PM2              11/22/2019      Tambe, Christian                       Talk-In-Tel
       PM1              11/22/2019      Tambe, Christian                       Talk-In-Tel
       CL               11/25/2019      Taylor, Emilie                         Buckaroo Toastmasters

       MS3              11/5/2019       Topping, Sean Phillip                  Nano-Mated Speakers
       MS2              11/5/2019       Topping, Sean Phillip                  Nano-Mated Speakers
       MS1              11/5/2019       Topping, Sean Phillip                  Nano-Mated Speakers
       LD2              11/14/2019      Vandewettering, Brian M                Liberty Talkers
       VC3              11/17/2019      Wantz, James                           New Horizons Toastmasters Club

       LD1              11/26/2019      Webb, Hank Melvin                      Yammertime
       IP1              11/20/2019      Wymore, Kamala                         Noon Talkers
       DL5              11/14/2019      Yan, Wendy                             Early Words Club

       MS1              11/25/2019      Zsoldos-Dollens, Ildiko                Tower Toastmasters
       LD3              11/6/2019       Zuber, Michaela                        Downtown Public Speakers Club

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