Page 21 - December 2019
P. 21


      Toastmasters Beyond the Club

      Donna Stark, DTM

      What do Toastmasters do now that there aren’t  great opportunity to showcase the Toastmasters
      speech contests and a conference in the fall?   program and market your club to potential new

      They plan other events!  Gateway Toastmasters  members.
      recently hosted a Tall Tales Showcase, inviting            Participation in Toastmasters not only
      the public to attend and other clubs to participate.  improves your speaking and leadership skills, it

      With speakers from Gateway, Yawn Patrol, and  provides opportunities to meet and learn from
      Downtown Public Speakers, the event drew a  other Toastmasters.How can your club team
      good-sized crowd that enjoyed stories of suspense  up with other clubs? Could you participate in a
      and intrigue.                                          local parade or tabling event? How about putting
          When Toastmasters get together, they have  on a speaking or educational event for the

      a good time. If having fun isn’t reason enough,  community? Even a pizza night to socialize will
      there are other benefits to holding events  expand your contacts within the Toastmasters
      with other clubs. There’s the opportunity to  community.

      hear speakers you don’t get to see on a regular            Toastmasters – where leaders (and friendships)
      basis. The speakers get to experience new (and  are made!
      larger!) audiences.Special events are also a

      Speakers sharing their Tall Tales and Spooky Stories included John Rodke, Kim Solonika, Mark Scott
      Lavin, and Abraham Alfaro

                                                                                VOICES! | DECEMBER 2019       21
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