Page 14 - Voices Feb 2018
P. 14


       Share the Love

       of Toastmasters

      Emilie Taylor, DTM

      Club Growth Director

          February is the month of Valentine’s Day  our unique journeys. Sharing an invitation with

       and all the warmth “fuzzies” that come with it.  just one person a week will make a big difference
       Toastmasters is one of those “fuzzies”.               in our clubs and District. But more importantly,
          Remember how nice it was when you first  it will make a big difference in those people’s
       came to a Toastmasters Club meeting, all shy  lives—just like it did for us. Or, reach out to

       and self-conscious?  Well, if you don’t, I do. You  previous members “that have lost their way”
       were greeted by warm smiles and acceptance.  and herd them back into the fold, like a loving
       Remember your Ice Breaker Speech, how scared  Border Collie. Or, why not do both?
       you were? Yet all the while, members gave you             In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, share the

       eye contact and that wink of assurance that you  LOVE of Toastmasters.
       wouldn’t explode on the stage?                            As we grow our clubs and as we charter new
          How many people do you know that need  clubs, let’s remember why we joined—make
       more self confidence, caring, and a place where  everyday a Share the Love of Toastmasters Day!

       they can express themselves?  We know what a              Now get out there and SHARE the LOVE!!!
       great GIFT Toastmasters has been for us in all

                                                                               Membership renewals are

                                                                            “marching” our way and will be
                                                                            here soon.  It’s time to “March 4th”
                                                                            to your checkbook and write that
                                                                            “Gift of Love” of $45 plus club dues.

                                                                            Your Club Treasurer will love you
                                                                            for that. And while you are feeling
                                                                            the love, why not “pay it forward”
                                                                            by sponsoring a new member or

                                                                            two? Just might make their day.
                                                                            (Renewals are due no later than
                                                                            March 31, 2018.)

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