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EDITORIAL                                                              Publisher

             It Takes a Village                                                 Phyllis Harmon, DTM

                             by Phyllis A. Harmon, DTM                          Associate Publisher
                             Immediate Past District Governor
To paraphrase an African proverb – it takes a village to do anything well. The  Brenda Parsons, ACB, ALS
Fall Conference: Make It Matter was no exception. In this issue, you can read
the conference recap, interviews with the winners of the Table Topics and       Senior Editor
Humorous Speech contests, and Yokko’s winning speech in the Tell Me a Story
column.                                                                         Phyllis Harmon, DTM
Let’s talk about what goes on behind the scenes – the people who toil
to create a successful event. Planning began a year ago, when Leanna            Associate Editors
Lindquist, Program Quality Director (then Lt. Governor Marketing), asked
Ryan Avery to be the keynote. By January, the venue was chosen and              Leanna Lindquist, DTM
planning began in earnest. Rodger Cook stepped up as conference chair. He       Erik Bergman, DTM
began assembling the conference team: Eldred Brown – registration chair,        Karen O’Keefe, DTM
Jerry Kleffner – credentials chair, Anne Kroetch-volunteer coordinator, me as   Alexis Mason, DTM
marketing and talent recruiter, Ellen Ino – chief judge, and Simon Bosley –
contest chair. Rodger met several times with the Warner Pacific staff, Grace    Layout/Design
– venue, Daniel – A/V, and Joel – chef, to make sure that on the day of the
conference everything ran smoothly and the attendees had a great time.          Phyllis Harmon, DTM
Over the months leading up to November 7, the team recruited people to          Curtis Low
help with registration, room coordinators, greeters, contest toastmasters,
judges, counters, and timers.                                                   2015-16 Officers
6:00 AM – November 7. The conference team arrived at Warner Pacific. Like
a well-oiled machine, they began setting up for the day – registration tables   District Director
and credentials were strategically arranged in the lobby, D7 historian, Harvey
Schowe, set up displays in the coffee shop area, breakfast was laid out and     Michelle Alba Lim, DTM
ready to serve in the cafeteria. Near the entrance Maria Lee and Marsha
Ware set up the prison raffle in space donated by the district. Rodger hung     Program Quality Director
directional signs throughout the conference space while Leanna made sure
the auditorium was set up correctly. I checked out the breakout rooms, put      Leanna Lindquist, DTM
handouts and presenter tools where they needed to be, and conferred with
Daniel to make sure that the venue’s sound system and district computer         Club Growth Director
would play well together.
7:30AM – the auditorium began to fill. People connected. The noise level        Erik Bergman, DTM
increased. Excitement stirred the air.
8:00AM – Lights! Camera! Action! The conference was off and running.            District Treasurer
7:00PM – The team packed up, making sure that we left the venue as we
found it.                                                                       Jill Ward, ACB, ALB
Thank you to everyone who tirelessly contributed their time and talent to
make the Fall Conference one of the best we’ve had in several years. If you     District Secretary
want to become part of the conference team, please contact conference
chair, Rodger Cook, at                                     Tom Knapp, ACG, ALB
It takes a village.
                                                                                Voices! is published monthly by
                                                                                District 7 Toastmasters. First issue
                                                                                published August 2014.

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