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                     Let’s Make Real Magic

                                               By Michelle Alba Lim, DTM – District Director
                                               Yes, the title may initially seem like an oxymoron. Real magic? How can magic
                                               be real? I would have been as skeptical as the next person, had it not been
                                               for Wayne Dyer’s paradigm-shifting book, Real Magic: Creating Miracles in
                                               Everyday Life. In this book, Dyer cites numerous examples of the seemingly
                                               impossible becoming possible because people believed they were possible.
                                               He wrote that when we truly believe, our minds and our bodies work in perfect
                                               unison to achieve what our hearts already know to be true. The impossible
                                               becomes possible. Magic becomes real.
                                               Can we make real magic in District 7? Yes we can! But only IF we truly believe
that we can, and are willing to do what it takes to make it real. Let’s take our goal of being a President’s Distinguished
District. With barely seven months left in the Toastmasters year, President’s Distinguished District may seem
impossible to achieve.
To be globally recognized as a President’s Distinguished Club, District 7 needs to have 191 clubs, 7507 member
payments, and 88 distinguished clubs. As of this writing, we are at 153 clubs and 2905 member payments. The gap
is substantial, however it can be bridged. We can – and will – be a President’s Distinguished District if we take action
to support what we believe.
What can we do? A lot! Below are but a few actions that will help make the magic real. Let’s do as many of these as
possible, and then come up with more!
•	 Look around your communities for businesses or organizations that could support a Toastmasters club. Obtain
    contact information and send to our Club Growth Director Erik Bergman
•	 Invite family, friends, and colleagues to attend your Toastmasters club meetings
•	 Reach out to former club members and invite them to renew their membership
•	 Conduct Speechcraft within your club or in partnership with nearly clubs
•	 Host an Open House and make it worth people’s time by inviting a guest speaker
•	 Volunteer to coach a struggling club
•	 Work on your speech projects as well as your Competent Leadership manual
My home club, the Wonderful Oregon Wordmasters (WOW) Toastmasters, will be a test case for making the magic
real. We have experienced several setbacks and have lost members. We believe we can end the year as a Distinguished
Club! Impossible? No, just extremely challenging! If we can do it, so can anyone else!
Let’s make real magic!
Email me at to let me know what you think.

   10 Volume 2 Issue 5 - NOVEMBER 2015
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