Page 27 - Voices! - october 2015
P. 27

Speak Up: Communication
                                    Strategies Every Leader
                                   Must Understand in Today’s Hy-

                                       per-communicated World

                                     Among the top skills to be
                                     an effective leader is his or her ability to
                                     communicate! You can be smart, charm-
                                     ing and the best in your industry but if
                                     you can’t get your ideas across to others,
                               your other skills don’t matter. In this inter-
                              active session, let Ryan Avery, the youngest
World Champion of Public Speaking in history, teach you communi-
cation strategies that will get peple to take action in today’s hyper-
communicated world!
Educational Objectives and/or Takeaways:
Objective 1: H ow to d e ve lo p a n d
deliver pertinent information
to stakeholders (staff, members,
legislators, media, and public)

Objective 2: How to guide
and influence others to enlist
their support and take action
after listening to you speak

Objective 3: How to develop
speaking and presentation
strategies that build confi-
dence and reduce stress

Volume 2 Issue 4 - OCT 2015  27
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