Page 10 - voices-2023-06
P. 10
• Integrity • Respect • Service • Excellence
for the year?
Some people love plaques for their walls and was mildly impressed and decided to give them
trophies for their fireplace mantles. Others are another Saturday to show me and tell me ‘why’
motivated by public recognition and personal Toastmasters and this club was for me.
accomplishment that comes with public praise. Toastmaster of the Day created a warm, welcoming,
I want recognition to be preplanned, public, and inclusive environment. Toastmasters who did
and meaningful. I’d like to see recognition not engage at the first meeting, did at the second
ceremonies, media placement, and press meeting. The environment that the Toastmaster
releases go out sooner than later. For instance, created was contagious and left me wanting to
let’s recognize people where it is meaningful: know more. I came
in their clubs and public venues where they a third Saturday and
are active. Recognition does not need to joined New Horizons
be expensive. However, it must be tailored, Toastmasters Club.
consistent, and timely for the individual. Additionally, I joined
For instance, writing a letter and contacting another club in District
an employer for an employee’s achievement 1 in September 2021
may mean more than a plaque sent through called Platform Speakers
the mail. where I currently
serve as the Club
Gwendolyn Avington, DTM - Club Growth Director President. New Horizons
Toastmaster Club has
Why did you join Toastmasters? been President’s Distinguished for 11 years in a
I joined New Horizons Toastmasters Club in row. Platform Speakers has achieved President's
2019. I was looking for a platform that would help Distinguished after only two years as a club.
me increase my ability to communicate about the
research I was doing in Pediatric Epilepsy. I was at a What has been your greatest Aha! Moment in your
meeting where District 7 Toastmasters were giving Toastmasters journey so far? Why?
a presentation about Toastmasters. I asked a lot of My Aha Moment was when I realized the
questions and was given the answers I sought. I was value proposition of the Toastmasters Education
invited by one of the individuals who was in the Program. I came to understand that you get out
meeting to visit the club the following Saturday. of Toastmasters what you put in. The more roles I
A friend and I did attend the Saturday meeting. I take on and the more Pathways I learn in; I can see
the personal and professional growth in me. Also,