Page 9 - voices-2023-05
P. 9

What do you do outside of Toastmasters
     that makes you feel complete?
         My husband and I have been

     married for 15 years and we have two
     beautiful kids: a 13-year-old son and a
     9-year-old daughter. We are a family
     or adventurists who travel a lot and

     have many different interests and
     hobbies. For example, my husband
     has a private pilot license and flies
     Sesnas, my son is a DJ and last month

     he performed at the Hops game, my
     daughter is a State championship
     swimming gold medalist.
         We are really passionate about any form of           and encouraging thought on competing in the

     travel and active leisure: water sports (kayaking,       International Speech Contest
     wakeboarding, knee boarding. and my personal                 If you can't decide whether to participate
     favorite is paddle boarding), hiking, camping,           in the Toastmasters Contests, I encourage you
     fishing, and biking. We have lots of friends with        to do so. It doesn’t matter how far you go, you

     similar hobbies and we travel together very              will get an enormous amount of support from
     often. I also have a younger sister who lives in         your club (and any other Toastmasters club you
     North Carolina with her husband. By the way,             ask for help).  Keep a polished speech in your
     they both watched the Division Contest until             pocket and—most importantly—you will meet

     the very end. She is a very special person to me.        amazing people as you travel this extra mile in
         I love gathering my family and friends in            your Toastmasters journey.
     our house and making a feast for them. When
     I have time I immerse myself into reading or

     walking. Thanks to audio books I can merge
     these two pleasures,

     Please share with our readers an inspirational

                                                                                      VOICES! | MAY 2023         9
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