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                                                    Lessons Learned:  Spreading the Word

                                                                                  Jim Robison, DTM - Program Quality Director

      As I prepare to serve District 7 next year as the           email, hit send, and assume that the
      District Director, I am thinking back on what               recipient not only received the email but

      I learned (or reinforced) while serving as Club             read it in detail and fully understood
      Growth Director and Program Quality Director                what you were expressing in the email.
      and how to make best use of those lessons as I              Unfortunately, email is a highly unreliable

      move forward.                                               means of communication. Yes, when
      1.  Call people.  It is easy to write up an                 you exchange information with others,
                                                                  and everyone reads the emails, it can be
                                                                  efficient. As a means of communicating
                                                                  and coordinating between individuals it

                                                                  can work quite well. But, if you send a blast
                                                                  of messages to many people, you can bet
                                                                  that a portion of those people do not even

                                                                   get the email. It might be blocked by the
                                                                     mail server. The address might be wrong.
                                                                       The email might get screened out to a
                                                                         SPAM folder. The recipient might just
                                                                           not recognize how important your

                                                                            message was and leave it unread.
                                                                            If you send an email to someone
                                                                          and don’t see a response, a follow

                                                                         up phone call can ensure they get
                                                                       the information. Also, if you are asking
                                                                     for a decision of some kind, or asking
                                                                   for volunteers to help, for example at a
                                                                  contest, a phone call is far more likely to

                                                                  get a response than an email.
                                                              2.  Information posted online stays there and
                                                                  needs to be updated.

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