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alternative to that point of view. It embodies not"—it felt like something I knew. It all came
the essence of rehabilitation by showing back to me, the Icebreaker to the speeches. I
us that we can be empowered to succeed. remember the guests—the people who came
It gives us our voice, allows us to be heard, from the outside. I told myself "Man this is a
and shows us we can have an identity that group where leaders are made." I remember
includes intelligence, professionalism, and seeing that on something from my last set at
successful communication. OSP. I am a leader but need more practice to
Personally I have always felt the drive to grow—so I joined. I’m using Toastmasters to
be a leader. I am very outgoing and have good better myself not only in prison but in life as
people skills, but I lacked the organization a man, a father, and as a husband. I want my
and structure to be effective. I joined son to say “My dad went to prison twice but
Toastmasters because I know that growth he made something out of it.” I remember
only comes when you advance beyond being told at OSP that having Toastmasters in
your comfort zone, and speaking to large your resume would help, and by golly it did.
crowds was definitely outside of the realm So I tell the guys now that Toastmasters
of my comfort. Toastmasters has provided is not only great to do in prison but in the
a safe venue to put myself out beyond my streets as well. It helps me get jobs out there
regular social boundaries, in an adversarial and I tell the guys that ask me about it. That
environment. This sense of fellowship and it’s great in a resume. That we meet everyone
mutual support has allowed me to achieve from different walks of life. I can truly say
a higher level of self-confidence and the that I love this club and that it’s truly helping
positive feedback and constructive criticism me grow into a leader. I can’t wait to be
provided by fellow peers has allowed me to back in the free world with my family and
grow in the areas of productive leadership join Toastmasters in the outs. To show my
that I was once weak in. It has given me friends and family what Toastmasters is all
the confidence I need to thrive when I am about. Thank you for letting me share a little
released. about my experience, I hope to share more
on my walk in Toastmasters here at Rose
Mario— City Toasters at Columbia River Correctional
I was first introduced to Toastmasters Institution
back in 2015 at Oregon State Penitentiary
(OSP) on my first set. Fast forward to 2022, Anselmo—
I ended up back in prison for my second set I found out about Toastmasters through
at Columbia River Correctional Institution. a friend of Toastmasters. I had no clue what
I remembered Toastmasters while sitting Toastmasters was. I didn’t even know such
on my bunk. I heard the announcement a club existed. My friend convinced me to
over the intercom. I told myself "Well why come to one of the meetings. I wasn’t sure