Page 34 - voices-2023-03
P. 34
What’s in a Name?
Paul C. Fanning, DTM
I have spent the last month doing my pre-spring now nameless smiling faces in party hats, smoking
house cleaning. Sound like fun? Well, to tell you a fag and/or sipping a drink. Surely this was not
the truth, yes, and no. Yes, because I make the hard from my grandmother’s family, the tee-totaling
decisions regarding “stuff” I have accumulated in crowd from Devon and Cornwall they were, but
the past year or two or forever. No, because the from my grandfather’s vast London family. The
OCD in me keeps saying that “you might want box’s inhabitants were any time from the 1890's to
to keep that for a use in the future,” knowing 1950's period. I have been in contact with cousins
full well that I will never get around to using it in Australia, Canada, and the motherland—those
or needing it. Take for example the two boxes of few who did not emigrate elsewhere after World
family photographs and albums of movie tickets, War II to provide them originals or copies. Now
play bills, and various letters that have been they only want scans, which means my photos do
accumulating for three generations and remain not diminish in number.
unsorted for years. I finally gathered the courage Then I “found” (for they were never “lost” in the
and strength to tackle them this year. With the first place) numerous birthday cards, anniversary
box lids off, they suddenly looked undaunting cards, and wedding announcements as well. It was
and a brief shudder of the “you will not get to in one of the later dated packets of my vintage
me this year” resounded in my brain. But then I that my eye caught my name on the envelope,
espied a subject I knew so well—pictures of me. the letters “C of C” and no return address nor
On the boat/liner to New York and America from postage stamp or post mark, meaning it had been
England, including the amusing one of me in a life hand delivered. (If you are under 30 years of age,
ring with the name of the ship stenciled upon it. in the pre-technological eras one actually sent
Then school photographs of me in the 1960’s, my HANDWRITTEN letters and cards to friends
“career” as a Cub Scout, then Boy Scout, and finally, and family for events and thank-yous.) Inside
as a fireman. Some were Polaroid pictures, that like was a nice congratulations card dated 1971 from
my mind, had once been clear and sharp, colorful a neighbor and resident in Dutch Flat Stella Pauw.
and vibrant, that were now blurry, dull, and fading It was when I had become an Eagle Scout, and she
away. Scads of pics of people I did not know, or was bestowing upon me the sobriquet “Collector
who were not labeled, relatives I was assured of, but of Collections” for adding yet another “collection”