Page 3 - October 2022
P. 3

Find Your Why . . .

       Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG - Publisher/Editor

      Here it is the end of October with the holidays looming just around the
      corner (again). As I continue to ask ad nauseum—where did the time go?
      Seems like just yesterday I was a newbie, still wet behind the ears, accepting
      that first officer's role of VP Memership in Wallmasters International my
      (then and still) home Club. I am now  one of the senior members of the
      Club, a Club officer more years than not, and served in all but one District
      officer role. Now days I spend my time encouraging others to step into
      leaderhsip and show the world what stern stuff they are made of.
          That's still the fun part of Toastmasters—making connections between
      members so that they can experience the growth I have over the past 15
      years. But I must admit, I am getting a bit weary. What am I accomplishing
      now and to what purpose? I am not seeking to move up the corporate ladder
      (been there and done that). I am not looking to become an advocate for a
      cause yet unrecognized, or preparing to step into a career in front of an
      audience. So what is my purpose? Why am I still a Toastmaster? I have yet
      to discover an answer.
          I find myself most reflective as the seasons change, and wonder if
      change is in my future. As I look back over the past couple of years, I find
      I've grown quite fond of online meetings. They allow me the flexibility to                     EDITORIAL
      travel the world from my desk chair, without the hassle associated with
      meeting in person. Lazy? Maybe. Or  just too busy or reluctant to alter my
      routine once again.
          My Clubs are starting to transition back to face-to=face meetings.
      Breathing communal air appeals to me now and again, but is it a compelling
      enough reason to disrupt my settled routines? I can't answer that yet. I
      anticipate that if I don't find my Why and my Purpose fairly soon, change
      will happen whether I am ready for it or not. Time will
          So I leave you with two questions. What is your Why?
      and What is your Purpose? If you know, perhaps you
      can help me to find mine.

       Volume 9 Issue 1 July 2022  Monthly Columnists      2022-23 Officers       Administrative Manager
       Publisher                  Dave Bones, DTM          District Director      Janet Cerasin, DTM
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        David Freedman, IP3      Lorri Andersen, DTM
                                  Eldred Brown, DTM                               Public Relations Manager
       Senior Editor              Harvey Schowe, DTM       Program Quality Director  Stephana Johnson, DL3
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Jennifer Schmidt, EH2    Jim Robison, DTM
                                  Jim Robison, DTM         Club Growth Director
      Associate Editor            Ken Coomes, DTM          Dave Bones, DTM        Voices! is published monthly by District 7
      Leanna Lindquist, DTM       Lee Coyne, ATMS                                 Toastmasters. First issue published August
                                  Lorri Andersen, DTM      Finance Manager        2014. Submit articles or contact us at
                                  Paul Fanning, DTM        Karen Semprevivo, DTM

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