Page 9 - Voices-2021-10
P. 9

Gwendolyn Avington gave me the opportunity  always been Dave’s love of music. He and his

      as the Division H Pathways Proponent. Her  two younger siblings grew up outside of Boston,
      infectious commitment and passion as the  Massachusetts. His dad loved music, and was a
      Pathways Proponent Committee Chair,  drummer before the kids were born.
      empowered my dedication in Pathways.  We had               “I have to give my dad credit. My relationship

      many long conversations, and she supported me  to music is very related to his exposure. My dad
      at several club presentations I gave throughout  used to play the drums. He stopped playing
      the year (including one with Cedar Hills Club at  around the time that he started having to raise
      6:45 AM!). My growth and passion simply would  us kids. But he never left the love of it. He didn’t

      not have been the same without her challenging  play but he still had a drum set in the basement.
      and encouraging me.                                    His stool was too high even at the lowest setting.
           I dove in headfirst—seven days a week for  So he set up a milk crate for me to just sit and
      365 days. I studied Pathways. I’ve seen every  play the drums. He would put on a Count Basie

      long form video on YouTube. And I checked out  recording. I’d be down there for a couple hours
      other District websites and PDFs, interacted. I  just playing with Basie. I never forgot it.
      went from not being exposed to Pathways to total           The way he described seeing the Count Basie
      immersion. Actually, I had a negative beginning  Orchestra live, how the dynamics would be so

      in Pathways. I’m not gonna say  I was a naysayer,  quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Then all of a
      but I was close.                                       sudden out of nowhere, just larger than life, scare
          But the thing that got me fired up about this,  you out of your seat. Then in another second,
      and just sort of got the whole thing started in  they’re back to that pin drop. Silence. Yeah. And

      addition to PJ’s conversation, was being an Area  he said it was so clean, so swinging—I just never
      Director. I had people in other Clubs asking me  forgot his stories. I didn’t even have to be there.
      questions about Pathways, as well as my own  I was just so fascinated by his stories, you know?
      Club members.                                          He would play those recordings for me, and we

          So I’d figure out their question. I was asked  would just really appreciate the music together.”
      hard questions. I was up all night trying to               Dave was introduced to the trombone in the
      figure this stuff out. And the big challenge is  4th grade, an instrument he continues to play
      not figuring out a particular question, but it’s  today.

      actually figuring out what question are they               “I’ve had a constant love affair and it’s never
      really asking me? That’s what took me literally  taken a break. I was hooked at nine years old. I
      all night, many, many nights. Because it’s like,  just loved the sound and the shape orientation of
      okay, they’re asking me this, but actually, really,  the music. I’ve just always loved the trombone—

      they’re asking me like four questions. And I  always loved music.”
      needed to figure all those out. So that’s where            Dave admits that he was not the ideal student.
      it all started.”                                       Music was what he cared about, not academics.
          Before Pathways and Toastmasters, there has  He joined the school bank in the 4th grade. For

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2021          9
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