Page 22 - Voices-2021-10
P. 22


        Makin’ Music

        PJ Kleffner, DTM
        Immediate Past District Director

          Many of us are in Toastmasters because                 My meager

      it is fun and provides a social network for us.  mi l i ta r y
      However, it is an educational organization, so the  paycheck didn’t
      goal is that we actually learn something. Even  go very far, but I found
      after 20 years, I find that I still learn something  a nearby country

      new at each meeting, webinar, TLI, or conference  and western bar
      that I attend. Toastmasters is the epitome of  with a sympathetic
      continuous, life-long learning.                        bartender who let
          I am a naturally curious person, so I always  me bang out some old

      peruse the Community Education catalog from  country classics on their piano
      Portland Community College that appears in  when I was off duty. People would
      my mailbox every quarter. I haven’t taken one  buy me a beer and/or drop a
      of their classes for many years, but two classes  buck or two in a hat, so I could

      caught my attention this quarter: Music Theory  quench my thirst for free and
      and the Travis Picking Method for Guitar.              make a little pocket money
          Other than a (fairly unproductive) year of  to boot. That gig didn’t
      piano lessons in 4th grade, I am mostly self-          last too long, because I

      taught. I could play a melody on the piano by  was transferred to an
      ear from a very young age, but knew nothing  isolated duty station in
      about scales, chords, and all the rest. I learned  Alaska. There wasn’t
      about chords when a friend in the Coast Guard  even a town, let alone

      taught me the basics of playing a guitar. I just  a bar or piano. I did
      strummed the chords, but didn’t pick, or play  take my guitar, though, so it
      individual notes.                                      wasn’t a total bust.
          However, it occurred to me that I could then           That new level of musical understanding

      apply what I knew about chords to the piano and  turned out to be a plateau that lasted for the
      add them to whatever melody I was playing with  next 45 years. Being self-taught, I had a lot
      the right hand. That took my understanding of  of practical knowledge, but not the theory or
      music to a whole new level.                            names for the musical concepts. Country music

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