Page 16 - Voices-2021-10
P. 16


      The Pathways Mentoring Program

       Lorri Andersen, DTM - Program Quality Director

      On October 6th, Dr. Gwen Avington presented                 I see a Pathways Mentoring relationship like

      the Pathways Mentoring Program. It was an              a high performing team:
      amazing hour of information, discussion, and               High-performing team members
      collaboration. After attending the Learning Lab,             •  Trust each other. . .
      I have the answers to “Why should anyone do                  •  Have a team mentality. . .

      this program?” “What’s in it for me?” “What’s it             •  Are diverse. . .
      all about?”                                                  •  Have clear direction
           I love the overall concept of the Mentoring           The skills we learn in Toastmasters are
      Program. The member is encouraged to stretch           transferable. They are needed in all other areas

      toward their goals, try new things, and to reach       of our lives. The success of goals and projects
      for excellence in all they do.                         hinge on our ability to work well with teams and
          If the member says . . . “I cannot do this, the    relationships. Read more what a high performing
      Mentor can say, ‘you already have what it takes        team is and how you can create and be a part

      inside of you, you need to believe in yourself.’”[Dr   of one. Then equate it to Toastmasters. The
      Gwen A. 10/06/21]                                      Pathways Mentoring Program has these skills
          Oprah Winfrey once said: “A Mentor is              built within it
      someone who allows you to see the hope inside               “A mentor is someone who sees more talent

      yourself.” Isn’t that what Toastmasters can do for     and ability within you, than you see in yourself,
      us? I believe it supports our club mission:            and helps bring it out of you” [Bob Proctor}
          To be a supportive and positive learning               The Pathways Mentoring Program is a start
      experience in which members are empowered              to a lot of good things. Winston Churchill, in

      to develop communication and leadership skills,        all his wisdom and experience, said “We make
      resulting in greater self-confidence and personal      a living by what you get, we make a life by what
      growth. I love that we are an organization that        we give.”
      helps people grow, learn, and help others to               This is what the Pathways Mentoring Program

      become better than they were yesterday.                is all about—giving to help others succeed and
           A major key point addressed in the Learning       grow. When you do, your learning growth as a
      Lab was the acronym T.I.M.E.                           Mentor may be more than you expected!
          Mentors Teach, Inspire, Motivate, and                   Look for more information in Level Two

      Empower. They teach so others can be successful.       of your Pathways program. Reach out to your
      They inspire their Protege friends to reach            Division Director if you need help finding it, and
      toward their goals, motivate when needed, and          view the D7 Incentive page.
      empower them to see who they really are.

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