Page 37 - voices-09-2021
P. 37

Fate Made Me Do It!   Step 1: Deciding to Face the Fear—I asked myself,  Facebook promotion had to be posted in a couple

      something wrong, no physical harm would come  be ineffective afterwards, even if it was absolutely
 Jennifer Schmidt, EH2  “What’s the worst that could happen?” If I did  of days as the meeting was imminent. It would
      to anyone, but would I be embarrassed? It was  perfect. I wanted it to look good but perfection
      possible, but not probable. Fear loves playing  wasn’t the goal. Getting the information to

      the “what if,” worst-case-scenario mind game to  members was a top priority.
      remind me of what “could” go wrong in high-
      definition detail. A huge asteroid could plummet  Step 3: Press the Scary Button —I worked on my
      to earth as well, but will it? Likely not. Fear gets  Facebook promotion until my eyes started

      its power from the unknown, possibly disastrous  crossing. In the lifespan of any project, there’s
      outcome that we build in our heads that rarely  a time when I have to accept it’s finished and
      comes true.                                            actually share it. Often it’s a nerve-wracking and
                                                             painful process to make that decision. But endless

      Step 2: Progress Over Perfection —During the PR  limbo doesn’t help anyone. Once I commit to
      Masters Canva seminar, Maren shared a  pressing that ominous “post” button, it’s done!
      memorable phrase, “progress over perfection,”  It’s torturous in the moment but the feeling soon
      in discussing her own journey to learn Canva. It’s  transitions to relief. Then I shift my thinking to:

      absolutely true! Perfection is effective at slowing  “Will people like it?” and “How will they react?”
      me down—but only if I let it. In this case, my             Doing something new is not easy but
                                                                           it’s also not impossible. With
                                                                           numerous Facebook promotions

                                                                           and presentations now created, it’s
                                                                           astounding to realize that none of
                                                                           them would exist if Maren hadn’t
                                                                           said, “no.”  Sometimes fate gives

                                                                           me a nudge or even a hearty push
                                                                           into a direction I never expected
                                                                           to go. Once I get there, the fear
                                                                           turns into adventure and doubt

                                                                           becomes confidence that surprises
                                                                           and delights my imagination. I am
                                                                           grateful Maren was honest about
                                                                           being overloaded. It gave me the

                                                                           opportunity to explore a new path
                                                                           and learn not only how to face my
                                                                           fears but also conquer them.

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