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            COVER STORY                                       COLUMNS

                                                                        Rise to the Challenge
               6     Contestant Diaries: Confessions            12      PJ’s PERSPECTIVE
                     and Lessons Learned
                                                                        PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director
                     Jennifer Schmidt, EH1
                                                                        FROM THE DESK
            EDITORIAL                                           16      We Gotter Done! Next Challenge!
                                                                        Eldred Brown, DTM

               3     The SS District 7 Toastmasters                     Program Quality Director
                     Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG
                                                                        FROM THE DESK
            FIELD NOTES                                         18      Webinar Recap
                                                                        Lorri Andersen, DTM
                                                                        Club Growth Director
              24     Distinguished Club Program                         I WAS THINKING . . .

                                                                20      Reflection
              31     Maybe Options for May                              Emilie Taylor, DTM
                                                                        Immediate Past District Director
                     Barry Lee Coyne, ATMS

                                                                28      GLEANINGS FROM THE GROVE
                                                                        Bacck to the Future
                                                                        Paul Fanning, DTM

                                                                32      JUST WRITE
                                                                        Creatie, Eh??
                                                                        Ken Coomes, DTM

       4      ONE COMMUNITY
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