Page 17 - Voices-2021-05
P. 17

time ever) were small and gave us plenty of                  It can be a daunting challenge to be your
    opportunity to learn how we can make our next            District Director. The two years I’ve spent in the
    conference, and our online club and district             Trio make me ready to rise to the challenge. I’m
    meetings, even better. I had a lot of fun.               looking forward to the opportunity to grow.

       We held elections on Saturday. Our District               How about you? The challenges you face may
    Council had enough faith to elect me as your             not be as huge as leading a Toastmasters District,
    next District Director. I recognize that I’m going       or they may be larger. What are you doing to
    to be stretched in ways I’ve not been stretched          rise to the challenges in your life? What are you

    before. I watched PJ closely this year, I now know       doing to see your challenges as opportunities?
    how to prepare for next year. We have a lot of
    opportunity for growth as we emerge from the
    pandemic. I will work closely with incoming

    Program Quality Director Lorri Andersen and
    Club Growth Diretor Jim Robison. We will
    identify growth opportunities and maximize
    them to support you and your club.

                                                                                      VOICES! | MAY 2021        17
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