Page 12 - December 2020 Voices
P. 12


                      Brand New Year

                      PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director

      I have heard people say they would like to press  going to a concert or the theater, and attending

      the “reset” button on 2020 and have a do-over,  in-person Toastmasters meetings.
      while others have said “No way, no how. I just             With current projections for when we will
      want to see 2020 as a distant memory in my rear  achieve herd immunity against Covid-19, it is
      view mirror.” I tend to belong more to the second  unlikely that we will resume widescale, in-person

      camp, and want to find ways that we can move  meetings during the rest of our 2020-2021
      forward. Fortunately, two events occurred as I  Toastmasters year. That means we must adapt to
      write this that are moving us in that direction.  our circumstances and figure out how to thrive
      Through the magic of live television, we saw  in the online environment, which includes

      the first person in the United States receive a                attracting new members. We had a lot
      Covid-19 vaccination, and the Electoral                                                                   New
      College confirm Joseph Biden as our next            Visitor                                              Member
      President. While some of our citizens,                                New                   Visitor

      including fellow Toastmasters, take issue with                       Member
      either or both of these events, I believe they are
      necessary steps in returning to some semblance  of discussion during the District Council meeting
      of normal.                                             in September about advertising. Those of you

          Normal is not going back to the way things  who follow us on Facebook may have noticed
      were pre-Covid. Many retailers were already  that we recently started running “boosted
      getting clobbered by online competition, and  postings” and ads on that platform. We also
      Covid was just the final nail in the coffin for the  plan to start running ads on Google very soon.

      countless businesses that have closed and will             A major challenge for advertisers is finding
      never return. Shopping online may be the new  their target market or audience. In my home
      normal, but there are some activities that I will  Club, we always ask visitors how they found
      be happy to resume, including sharing a meal  us or what brought them to Toastmasters. We

      with friends in a loud, fully-packed restaurant,  discovered that many of our visitors came from

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