Page 45 - October 2020 Voices
P. 45
this, and one can download the forms, resources ACHIEVEMENT + AWARDS button I would
and understand the progression of a level recommend you click on. Here it lays out the
project simply and safely. This is a feature that badges, certificates, advanced awards, and other
was introduced within the last year in response items that may interest people. We all like being
to feedback regarding not having a workbook recognized for our accomplishments. Both the
to show someone. One club I was in produced tangible and the electronic awards being offered
the entire Level One Icebreaker workbook to at this time are outlined. Don’t forget to point out
give to a new member—which we can include that the letter of achievement to your employer
in our electronic new member packet or club still stands. Lastly are the opportunities to be a
orientation material. But we are still exploring, volunteer translator.
and there are other features to discover and Well done, Pathway adventurer! If you have
learn from. come this far, you know that it is now up to
Scrolling down further you get to the FAQ you to take advantage of all that Pathways can
+ More section about Pathways. Pull out your offer you. As a token of my esteem for your
rock hammer as we prospect for more gems! faithfulness and discovery, I have one more
PATHWAYS FAQ is your first choice to click on. It treasure to bestow upon you.
will give you once again all the basic information When you access your path, before you
about Pathways. Always a great tool to use as a enter into base camp, review the section listed
refresher as well as a training tool for members. next to it, the Navigator. Here again is a vast
Perhaps to me the exciting function is the treasure trove of information about Pathways.