Page 15 - June 2020
P. 15

set goals and develop  Toastmaster awards. This will also command a
                                 plans and success  lot of our energy, but at least we knew this was
                                 strategies for next year.  coming (unlike COVID-19).

                                 COVID-19 has forced             Now that we’re transitioning from one
                                         us to look at  program year to the next, I ask you these
                                                                 •  How did your year go?

                                                                 •  What lessons did you learn from the
                                        Toastmasters                ordeals we experienced together?
                            in a whole new way. Now              •  Drawing from what you learned, what will
                       that so many of our clubs have               you do differently next year?

                  experienced the joys and trials of             Have fun celebrating your successes and
                 meeting online, I don’t know that               learning from your failures, and let’s be ready
       we can ever go back totally to the ways we                for a great new year to come.
       did things before. We will need to support

       online participation for so many more clubs
       now, and we will be up to the challenge! We
       also have to implement strategies for adapting
       to a landscape where Pathways is the ONLY

       educational program—the days of using paper
       Competent Communicator and Aadvanced
       Communicator  manuals will be gone for good
       with the exception of those working to finish

       their High Performance Leadership projects and
       the club sponsor/mentor/coach requirements of
       their Advanced Leader Silver and Distinguished

                                                                                      VOICES! | JUNE 2020       15
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