Page 16 - February 2020
P. 16


      Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

      PJ Kleffner, DTM - Program Quality Director

      “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies       (DCP). Newer members may not be familiar
      and Statistics”. That quote is usually attributed to    with the DCP, which is simply a list of ten goals
      humorist Mark Twain. Statistics can be useful to        that Toastmasters International (TI) gives our

      support an argument, show trends, or as 73.6% of        Clubs each year. TI has determined through
      people believe, are simply made up on the spot.         decades of experience, that these ten goals are
         As we wrap up the second round of Club               a pretty good measure whether or not a Club is
      officer training for this year, I recently had          working the Toastmasters program and meeting

      a conversation with several of my PQD                   the educational goals of their members. There
      counterparts in our Region. We were looking             are three levels of recognition in the program
      at the percentage of Clubs in our Districts who         – Clubs that meet 5-6 goals are Distinguished,
      had sent at least four officers to Toastmasters         7-8 goals are Select Distinguished and 9-10 goals

      Leadership Institute (TLI), or a make-up session.       are Presidents Distinguished.
      Four Club officers attending two rounds of                 Being a curious person, I downloaded data
      training is the minimum requirement to meet             for the last two complete Toastmasters years, and
      goal #9 in the Distinguished Club Program.              started crunching numbers. For the 2018-2019

      We were pondering the effectiveness of officer          Toastmasters year, I discovered the following:
      training and how it might contribute to the               •  A total of 56 out of 180 Clubs (31%) achieved
      overall success of our Clubs.                                 Distinguished status or higher.
         Determining Club success can be subjective.            •  53 of those 56 Clubs (95%) had at least four

      Most of us know those Clubs that never seem to                officers trained at one or both training
      meet enough goals or membership requirements                  sessions.
      to achieve Distinguished Club status, but they            •  85 Clubs had at least four officers trained
      have a strong core group and have been around                 at both sessions. 39 of those clubs (46%)

      for many years. For my purposes, I need an                    achieved Distinguished status or higher,
      objective measure of Club success, so I will                  a significantly higher percentage than the
      focus on the Distinguished Club Program                       31% for all Clubs in general.

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