Page 34 - October 2019
P. 34
Ushers in B. Lee Coyne, ATMS
Fighting Is it boo or peek a boo?
The Halloween holiday lurks on our proverbial
Back Fear doorstep. Spirits are out in full force. Let’s thumb
through that cast of characters seeking to haunt our
once-safe domain.
Enter the Ghost of the past. He is wanting to
haunt us to eternity. A strong reminder of unfinished
business we intended to avoid.
Flailing its skinny limbs we next detect Sir Skeleton.
He really represents the future us. See what happens
if you go overboard to lose extra pounds.
Which Witch then makes entry?
The pointy hat is a dead giveaway that she’s stirring
up a very toxic brew. A final boo hoo brew!
That daring Devil delivers doom.
Never caught red handed for those evil deeds, he
puts each of us on the horns of a dilemma.
And then warns: “We are gonna have a hot time
Finally ye olde Black Cat creeps out from the scary
shadows. Her bristles stiffen in total fright. A screech
The cast has been unmasked!