Page 28 - October 2019
P. 28


      Haunted Places

      James Wantz, DTM

      I don’t like haunted houses. Never did. People         attitude. This prison was made from the original
      dress up as ghosts, ghouls, and goblins. They try      prison mold. (I’m sure the shower room has mold

      to scare the stuffing out of other people who pay      over 100 years old. . . creepy). The cell blocks
      for it (I used to have a really nice pair of pants     are 5 tiers high. The cells are so small you can’t
      but. . . I don’t scare well). Neither do I like horror   spread your arms out. Broken windows outside
      movies. But this is an October article, and I am       the cells allow cold air and wildlife in and out

      contractually obligated to work a Halloween            (darn birds don’t know they are in prison but
      theme into my column (it’s in the fine print—the       love the free crumbs from caged men—I fed
      really fine print—double, double toil and trouble).    many with small bits of bread. . . the birds, that
          That said, I went to a haunted house last          is). Oh, the memories!

      night—the Oregon State Penitentiary. Yep,                  Well, I’ve gone back three months in a row
      prison! That place is haunting. . . even more          to visit the Capital Toastmasters club (I’m also a
      so because I was there as a “guest of the state”       member but I can leave at night! Yippee!). Ever
      20 years ago. OSP is where I started my time           gone back where you were 20 years ago and

      in the Oregon prison system. (Holy freakin’            marveled at the changes? Well, not this place. It’s
      prisons, Batman!!) That place is right out of a        the same—like being stuck in a time loop. Or,
      mad director’s idea of a “dark looming structure       more appropriately, a dinosaur stuck in amber
      with a haunting ambiance”—perfect for a slasher        (lots of amber). Ghosts and the incarcerated

      movie (coincidentally, there are slashers locked       commingle in the passageways. Gloom lurks in
      up there. . . so it would be like bringing coal to     the corners. And you wouldn’t be surprised to
      Newcastle).                                            see Freddy Kruger walking the yard. (He lived
          The prison was originally built in the 1800s       down the tier from me. . . I swear!)

      and has been kept running by the blood, sweat,             The club, however, is alive and well! It has
      and tears of those incarcerated there. Literally,      been my goal for the last 7 years to go back inside
      blood, sweat, and tears—I lost my big toenail to       the walls to visit a Toastmasters club. In 2008,
      a small pair of workboots (did not know they           I began my Toastmasters journey at a different

      were carnivorous) on my first job in the kitchen.      prison. That choice changed the course of my
      If you’ve seen one of the old-style prison movies      life. It was Tabula Rasa Toastmasters (tabula
      then you’ve seen OSP: concrete, steel, and             rasa means ‘blank slate’ in Latin). I liked the

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