Page 18 - August 2019
P. 18


      20 Ways to Promote

      Your Open House!

      Kathleen Tully, DTM - Public Relations Manager

          An open house is a wonderful way to                   •  Monitor your accounts throughout the
      introduce potential members to the Toastmasters               weeks leading up to the event. If someone
      experience. It creates the opportunity for your               has a question about the event, you’ll want
      club and its members to shine while highlighting              to respond promptly.
      the value and benefits for curious attendees. Are         •  Create a virtual invite and open house
      you taking advantage of the two open house                    teaser: create a short (1-2 minutes) video
      incentives available to District 7 clubs right now?           showing a portion of a meeting to give
      If so, here are 20 ways to promote your event.                guests an idea of what to expect.
          Before you publish your event, make sure
      you have all of the details of the open house  join District 7 Toastmaster’s
      confirmed, including date, start and end time,  Meetup account to create an open house event.
      location, and specific instructions to the meeting
      room and parking (i.e. sign in at front desk, enter  Craigslist and post an
      through the door on the left side of the building).  invitation for your neighborhood. Include the
      Then, start promoting!                                  details for the open house and add a story about
                                                              how you’ve benefited from Toastmasters.
      Social Media: post an invite and ask people
      to share it.                                            FreeToastHost club website: add the open
         •  Create an event page and include details  house information to the landing page.
             for the open house, information on what
             to expect, the benefits of Toastmasters  Eventbrite invite: create a fun and
             or testimonials of members. Add a  professional invitation on Eventbrite and email
             photograph of members engaging and  your friends, neighbors, colleagues, and local
             enjoying themselves at a Toastmasters  networking contacts.
         •  Create meaningful content for the post. Add  Email or phone invitation: reach out to
             a few “key words” such as public speaking,  contacts by phone and invite them personally.
             presentation skills, communications,  Encourage them to bring a friend. Or, offer to
             leadership, professional development,  meet them for coffee and give them a ride to
             personal growth, networking, and  the open house! Consider reaching out to past
             self-confidence.                                 guests and re-inviting them. Email contacts are
                                                              all potential guests so incorporate a non-intrusive

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