Page 34 - july 2019
P. 34


      Good Leaders are LOVED

      Dottie Love, DTM

      “Speaking like that you need to consider a             still can remember where we were, the outfit she
      remedial English class. If you want to move up         wore, and how awful she made the situation. To
      in the organization and manage others like I’m         me, she went down in history on the side of Bad
      doing, then consider that class because you won’t      leadership.

      cut it speaking like that,” said my boss.                  When you think about good leadership, does
          That comment was the first thing out of            the list below comes to mind?
      my manager’s mouth after I had finished my                 •  Leaders provide direction and clarity
      presentation on how I single-handedly identified           •  Leaders give us confidence

      and rectified a data programming issue that                •  Leaders help us improve our skills
      had plagued our department for months. My                  •  Leaders support us
      manager was holding in her hands the proof                 Whenever I ask someone to describe someone
      that I was smart enough to fix the problem when        who they believed to be a good leader, I never

      no one else had. But instead of “Good job!” or         get responses like:  They have a Master’s Degree.
      “Way to go, Dottie”, I was insulted, because of        Love those Armani suits they wear. Or, she/he
      my thick accent.                                       is an amazing brown-noser!    Not at all. Typical
          In all fairness, she had recently transferred      responses aren’t about the person’s skills and

      from our New York office to one in the deep-           possessions, but rather what the leader has done
      south. And Southern slang could be challenging         to support and encourage.
      for Northerners. Apparently, my manager didn’t             When leaders ensure the interactions with
      speak Southern.                                        others are engaging, constructive and supportive;

          But she was the department’s leader. And           we honor them. When they don’t; we suffer…
      in that moment had unfortunately defined the           and we remember. So I ask you, what leadership
      lens in which I saw and experienced her. That          impression do you want to leave on others?  One
      encounter happened over 25 years ago and I             who is weak willed, ineffective, or a tyrant?   Or

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