Page 28 - july 2019
P. 28
Polar Bear vs Harp Seal
James Wantz, DTM
I don’t want to prepare for my speech. I want (like the speech to the students) then it is very
to play video games. I am hooked on games difficult to invest myself in making the equivalent
that regularly feature “new” content to keep of a salad instead of feasting on succulent seal
me engaged. It works. I engage with them like flesh (video games, that is - thought I’d better
a starving polar bear who’s just spotted an reintroduce the metaphor since I was getting
unconscious & overweight harp seal. Game on! hungry).
(Granted, I have more in common with the harp So how do I make a project I am not motivated
seal than the polar bear...but this is my metaphor, to do...something I will do? Make it my own! If I
and I’m working it.) hate the material I am going to present then my
For the last two weeks I’ve played video games audience will either dislike it, dislike me, or fall
instead of preparing for a big presentation to a asleep. None of those outcomes are good for a
group of students at a community college. Each public speaker (unless you are a harp seal and
night I stare at the blank page that is supposed a polar bear is eyeing your love handles while
to be my outline. I pick up a pen. I put the pen shaking a bottle of A-1 steak sauce).
back down. I look out the window. I pick the pen I want to be invested in a project. I want to
up again. I throw it across the my cat be invested in Toastmasters. I really want to be
sprints out of the way...and grab my video game engaged with projects in Toastmasters. So...when
controller. The Hive Queen will die tonight!! it starts to feel like eating salad (boring, so boring)
Four hours later it’s bedtime. I successfully I toss in some chunks of seal meat (make that a
avoided preparing for the speech for another Cobb salad). I look for places to insert humor into
day. I did however succeed in getting the exotic my speeches. I look for ways to twist a common
weapon I’ve been after for weeks to finally drop cliche around so that it isn’t common at all. I
after assaulting the stronghold for the 15th time sprinkle on a story or two of being the youngest
in a row! Now that’s an accomplishment! Ultra of six and forcefed pureed peas by my oldest
rare. sister, or the time I almost set the neighbor’s
I don’t lack motivation - I lack motivation for trees on fire with bottle rockets at 3am. I want
projects that I’m not motivated to do. If there is a to keep my audience interested (whether with
project that resonates with me then I’m ripping words or images) but more important, I want to
into seal flesh every chance I get. If, however, the keep me interested.
project is unappealing or constantly changing