Page 44 - June 2019
P. 44


                         WELCOME NEW MEMBERS

                           Club Name                               Last Name             First Name

          Banfield Barkers                                  Torres                       Jeffrey
          Nano-Mated Speakers                               Tummala                      Divyatej
          Professionally Speaking                           Valverde                     Anita

          Walker Talkers Toastmasters Club                  Vandehey                     Jolee
          Sporty Speakers                                   Vargas                       Andres
          Banfield Barkers                                  Velasquez                    Juliana
          Gorge Windbags                                    Voigt                        Peter

          High Noon Club                                    Wallbaum                     Steve
          Vancouver Toastmasters Club                       Walls                        Ann

          We are drawn to leaders and

          organizations that are good at

          communicating what they believe. Their

          ability to make us feel like we belong, to

          make us feel special, safe and not alone

          is part of what gives them the ability to

          inspire us.           —Simon Sinek

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