Page 10 - June 2019
P. 10



      John Rodke, DTM - District Director

      “Change of pace, change of direction, and                  This support is priceless. My deepest
      transitioning quickly, creates success in games,  gratitude for our team of leaders who have
      and in life.” - Kazurnari Maeda.                        been supporting our members in finding their
           Kazurnari, a 5’ 4”, 220-pound wrecking ball  “WHY.” The changes of pace we experienced

      of muscle, energy, and determination was my  with transitioning to one Conference and spring
      rugby coach for five years in college. This Doctor  contests was a big shift, and we succeeded. I
      of Mechanical Engineering and mentor for  encourage you to thank our Conference and
      hundreds of students used this as his key lesson  Contest organizers, they did an outstanding job.

      to impart to people.                                       Our change of direction into the unknown
          The last three years in the Trio has proven  waters of Pathways is seeing success with new
      this statement true thousands of times. The  members and seasoned storytellers. This is
      District Trio, or Triage team, is in constant  awesome to experience. The realignment and

      transitional flux. Every day, every hour, and  club adjustment committees did a wonderful
      every minute, making decisions on what  job of restructuring our District for success. The
      will be the most effective use of time to help  Triage leaders of Area and Division Directors
      support our members. This mental triage is a  listened, learned, and led our members. They

      shared experience with every human. What  created a legacy of success that can be duplicated
      is invaluable about leadership is it lets you  and built upon next year.
      expand the influence of those decisions beyond             Lastly, I want to thank Emilie Taylor, Cate
      yourself and your immediate family and friends.  Arnold, Lauralee Norris, Karen Semprevivo,

      Practicing this expansion of influence within  Bob Pugh, and Donna Stark for their unwavering
      an organization designed for you to succeed is  support and growth this year. You are an awesome
      amazing. I wholeheartedly encourage you to try  team! It has been an honor serving with you!
      out this opportunity to grow. You have amazing             Our District has been out of its comfort zone,

      potential and Toastmasters is designed to help  and into its growth zone all year! I celebrate this
      you achieve it. The members of your District  transition and look forward to what will arise
      want you to! How can we help support your  next year.
      “WHY” for Toastmasters?

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