Page 33 - 2019 April
P. 33



 thought so and joining Toastmasters together was   B. Lee Coyne, ATMS
 an easy decision for us. We enjoy talking about   Speak Up!
 our next speech or what our next role is in the   May April showers empower us all. There

 upcoming meeting. We also enjoy the role of   is so much to derive from the Heavens above   Tanisha Imam
 mentoring and being supportive of the members.   as we whet our appetite for that next Table
 Each person has to discern whether   Topics session!
 Toastmasters can bring value to their profession   As those angels look down on planet

 and/or life. Some people join to improve their   Earth, they quickly detect how we humans
 social communication, some join because they   have made a mess of what we’ve been   Two years ago  I walked into a room. There   thinking and what you want to accomplish.
 were once in a Toastmasters club and miss the   bestowed. Thus they have little choice but   were people that I had either never met or didn’t   Get up on that stage and take control of the
 community, some want to be storytellers, some   to shed a flurry of tears. We term them   associate with. I was at my (and everyone else’s)   space provided. Even the smallest voices have

 are in sales, some are in management. There   showers.  first-ever Little Toasties meeting.   something to say. People won’t take you seriously
 are companies that require and will pay for   As with any copious gathering, these   I sat down next to my friends—the only people   unless you make a name for yourself. It’s scary,
 their employees to come to Toastmasters. We   pools of water aggregate. Runoff then   I knew. I waited for that moment when I knew   going up and speaking to an audience, but
 have three individuals from the same company,   occurs. And the lesson learned is that   going to the meeting was the right decision for   nothing will happen if we just sit back and let the

 two from sales and one from Research and   every mainstream depends on its many   me. Someone walked up to the speaking area and   world revolve around unacknowledged problems
 Development. When we invite folks to come   tributaries.  Indeed, every branch of a speech   started talking. The way that they commanded   that still need to be solved. Whether it be as
 to a meeting we encourage them to come and   adds to the flow.  the attention of the audience—the way that they   small as littering or as big as poverty, simply
 observe and see what they think. If the individual   A gentle sprinkling of rain can prove   captivated almost every soul in that room—was   saying something is a start to change. Many of

 agrees to participate in Table Topics during the   refreshing. So too can the inclusion of   pretty amazing. Looking around at the rest of   us are not capable of doing much for the world,
 meeting there is a good chance they will be back   humor in a well prepared speech to a   the people, I could tell that every word coming   but just by spreading awareness we have already
 next week.  parched audience. Yet one could also volley   out of the speaker was a word being hungrily   made a big step in the right direction. There’s so
 We enjoy belonging to the Toastmasters of   torrents of attempted jest only to submerge   taken in by the audience. From that moment   much power in our voices, but what’s the point

 Redmond for the opportunities to learn more,   the subject matter.  on, I decided that I would one day be able to   in having power if we’re not using it in the way
 to sharpen our skills, to keep our confidence   Anger runs akin to thunder. Hence we   speak  just as well as that person, who inevitably,   that it is meant to be used?
 level high, and to know ourselves better. What   can douse passion and righteous indignation   changed my life.  Tanisha is a member of Little Toasties, a speaking
 sold us was, first and foremost, the club has a   to create a bit of drama, while withholding   Speaking really is a wonderful skill. There is   and leadership club for youth in 6th -12th grades.

 safe environment, the supportive club members,   any overkill that can zap our credibility at   so much power held in your very own voice. The   Visitors are welcome at meetings on Saturdays in
 everyone working together, the mentoring and   the lectern. Too much flash beclouds our   things that we could accomplish are endless if   Beaverton, Oregon. For more information contact
 encouragement, the growth in confidence as   message.  we only spoke our minds. When we speak up we   Eric Winger 503.516.6271 /
 leaders and as speakers; that is the proof of   Keep in mind that our mission is to   are letting the world know we have something to

 Toastmasters successful mission. In the mix of   replenish itinerant spirits. Wherever rain   say. Being able to convey our thoughts in a public
 all of this, let us not forget the fun that leads to   does reign there’s a good chance the seeds we   setting or to an audience is a skill that everyone
 laughter that keeps this club healthy.   sow shall sprout in splendor in due course.    should strive to acquire.

 So too with effective communication.   Peaceful ways of showing you want to do
 Lee’s Toastmasters career began in Vienna,   something for the world like speaking up can
 VA  just outside D.C. Later on he joined clubs in

 New Mexico and Oregon.
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