Page 9 - voices November
P. 9

speaking skills outside of

      the club. Additionally, John
      recently went to visit family
      in Spokane, WA and gave an
      impromptu talk to a group

      of Special Education kids
      about challenges and Super
      Hero powers. Super Heroes
      don’t quit! John shared with

      them how not to let their
      weaknesses prevent them from accomplishing  specifically exemplified how his club is relational.
      their dreams. Having been in Special Ed for a few  Consequently, John states, “this makes me feel
      years when he was in school, John could relate  like a valuable member of the club - a feeling that

      to some of their feelings and emotions.                 all humans want to feel. It’s created a deep desire
          A significant change that has emerged since  to continue to be an active member of the club”.
      being in Toastmasters is that John doesn’t shy             John chuckled and said, “a lot”; when I
      away from opportunities that require him  inquired what else he wants people to know.

      to speak before a group. Just recently, John  It’s unmistakable that John tends to look at the
      was tasked with presenting quality assurance  positive side of all situations. He has deservingly
      outcomes, from the past four years, to the  earned the nickname, Positive Pat, by his hiking
      leadership team at his work. Even with the option  friends. “I smile, laugh and keep moving forward

      for his supervisor to make the presentation,  one step at a time in the worst conditions, both
      he stepped up. The confidence gained from  literally and figuratively. Don’t know how to
      Toastmasters has generated the necessary self-          do life any other way. I’m eager to share and
      assurance to present his findings that will have  motivate others to keep steppin’ along. One foot

      a lasting impact.                                       after the other. If you fall, get up and if you need
          John appreciates how his club, Maryhurst  help getting up, ask for it. Dust yourself off and
      Toastmasters, is professional, inviting and  continue the journey of life.”
      relational. Everyone is always striving to be              Lisa Hutton joined Marylhurst Toastmasters in

      better. John openly shared how touched he  June 2011. She has served in both club and district
      was by Marylhurst club members and officers  leadership roles, and is a recipient of the 2011-12
      regularly checking in on him during his absence  D7 Rookie of the Year award and the 2015-16 Area
      while recovering from GBS. For him, this  Director of the Year award.

                                                                                VOICES! |NOVEMBER 2018         9
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