Page 8 - 2018 August Voices
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where everyone can grow and increase their
skills. As I’m sharing my interpretation of these
values consider your personal interpretation.
Integrity; as a member leading myself I see this
as taking responsibility to show up on time.
Showing up on time means arriving about
fifteen minutes prior to the meeting start time.
Why? There may be changes to the agenda.
Someone may need a little help setting up.
There may be a guest who I could help. There
may be any number of situations that could commitment to the values of integrity, respect,
make the meeting just a little bit better because service, and excellence. “How Leaders Are Made”
I arrived early, this takes integrity! This may begins at the member level, “Where Leaders Are
be interpreted as respect as well. Being there, Made” begins in your club. “Why Leaders Are
being available, being ready to jump in, and Made” is for the quality of our future.
participate. That is respecting other members During this coming month look for ways to
time and commitment. How I interact with exercise and develop your values of Integrity,
members and guests during a meeting makes a Respect, Service, and Excellence in everything
difference also. To have a mindset that respects you do. I would love to hear your comments. My
people regardless of where they come from or plan is to incorporate your comments and ideas
what they know or do. When club members regarding leadership into future articles. Talk to
demonstrate true respect for each other, the me about Integrity, and what Integrity means to
culture of the club will reflect positively and draw you? How have you found ways to demonstrate
guests to join. Think about what it means to be Respect? How are you Serving your club and
of service? Do you like doing things for people, other people in your life? What does Excellence
little things that make a difference—greeting look like to you from where you stand right now?
guests, greeting fellow members, remembering How will your experience of Excellence move
names, asking a guest how to pronounce their you forward?
name properly, bringing someone a cup of coffee, Patrick Locke joined Toastmasters in 1985 and
being available to answer questions for a guest? earned his first DTM in 2015. He is currently a
So many times it’s the little things that make a member of Early Words in Longview, Washington.
difference, showing someone you care. To these He has served his club in several different officer
values of integrity, respect, and service you add roles over the years. Patrick has served District 7 as
the value of Excellence, doing the right thing a current and past area director and club coach for
well. This equation is a recipe for a solid Win, several clubs. Starting in September, Patrick will
Win situation. be a contributing columnist to Voices! Look for his
Remember leadership begins with a personal column Locke on Leadership.