Page 36 - 2018 July Voices
P. 36
use it to inspire people and you can use it to keep the fact that I out lived the doctor’s idea that I
things light. You can use it to get yourself through was going to die nine years ago.
a bad day. I always believe you have two choices Leanna: Ronda what is your superpower.
in a bad situation. You can laugh or you can cry
and it’s easier to laugh. Ronda: Right now I’ve been using the ability to
juggle many projects at one time and still have a
Dennis: She has learned the difference between full time job. I have a granddaughter that’s living
humor and sarcasm, but not very well. with me now that’s 12. I have gone through a lot
of stuff in the last year but still managed to be
Leanna: Dennis, what is your superpower? able to complete Area Director and do a pretty
good job. Being able to stay focused and stay
Dennis: Today my super power is the ability on task I attribute much to Toastmasters. The
to accept each day as it comes with whatever it organizational skills that we get come in handy
gives me, whether it’s sadness or happiness. Life on a daily basis. Staying focused and being on
happens because life happens. I have the ability task is probably my superpower that has gotten
to lean into the pain and work my way through me through the last couple of years.
it. My superpower is the acceptance of life. And