Page 16 - 2018 June Voices
P. 16



       Lisa Hutton, ACB, ALB
       Club Coach Coordinator

      The Toastmaster’s club mission statement,  several guests attend our meetings. Afterwards,
      We provide a positive and supportive learning  we ask them to comment on what they’ve
      experience in which members are empowered to  experienced—to share their thoughts. It’s not

      develop communication and leadership skills, resulting  uncommon to hear a guest comment on how
      in greater self-confidence and personal growth, is  surprised they are with the supportive feedback
      recited at my club, Marylhurst Toastmasters,  that members get. They’ve experienced, first-
      before we commence our weekly meetings.                hand, the value behind the speaker(s) being told

          I have heard those words delivered almost  what they are doing well, as well as, what the
      every Thursday night for the past seven years.  speaker(s) can do to improve.
      What never ceases to amaze me is how much they             If you’re in a club that has 12 members or less,
      resonate with everyone who attends—including  consider what a club coach could do to help turn

      our guests. Each time I hear it, a different word  things around in the upcoming Toastmaster year.
      or phrase stands out. Today, when reflecting on  From the recent Toastmaster Leadership Institute
      those words, it’s EXPERIENCE.                          training, I have a list of members eager to be a
          Experience is the pivotal word for the entire  club coach. Several of them are within arm’s

      club mission statement. First and foremost, it’s  reach of achieving their DTM (Distinguished
      defined as being a positive and supportive one.   Toastmaster) award and some have only this
      Plus, the foretold personal growth results aren’t  remaining servant leadership role to complete
      shabby either.  Improving one’s communication  before the traditonal program expires. Since

      skills is the number one reason why people join  approximately less than 1% of all Toastmasters
      Toastmasters. What some may not anticipate  complete their DTM requirements, make this a
      is that while they’re becoming competent  win-win. Your club thrives in conjunction with
      communicators, their leadership skills are  an experienced Toastmaster completing what

      developing, as well. The end result is a confident  they’ve set out to achieve.
      person that communicates effectively and                   As you’re reflecting on what went well and
      readily steps up to leadership opportunities.  what didn’t this past Toastmaster year, consider
      Without engaging in the experience, the personal  how much more you’d enjoy your club if a coach

      transformation Toastmaster’s club mission  was there to ensure the Distinguished Club
      statement promises, is unlikely to happen.             Program was fulfilled. Are you getting the most
          Recently, my club has been fortunate to have  out of your Toastmaster experience?

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