Page 43 - Voices March 2018
P. 43

Candidate for Division D Director

          I come to you with four years total experience in district leadership, two as an Area

      Director and two as a Division Director, and I am running for re-election to a second
      consecutive term as Division D “Columbia Division” director. Last year I stepped forward
      literally at the last minute to run from the floor because the ballot didn’t list a candidate for
      the Columbia Division. This year I have declared my candidacy months in advance, so I will

      be much better prepared to continue my work as Division Director.
          My mission is to help clubs best serve the needs of their members by supporting club
      growth and participation in the Toastmasters educational program. One of my most
      important goals is to inspire and motivate even greater participation in the Pathways program.

      I will also work with my Area Director team to find new club leads and grow our existing clubs.
      Service and development of leaders are why I want to be your Columbia Division Director,
      and, free of the burden of my academic pursuits, I plan to pursue my vision for Division D
      with even greater energy.

                                                                              VOICES! | MARCH, 2018          43
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