Page 28 - September 2017 Voices
P. 28

The Importance of Communication                                                          District 7 Toastmasters

                                   by Miriam Malik                                                                          FALL CONFERENCE

                                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 10-11, 2017

                                       Communication,         chat rooms, conferences, and social media plat-
                                   as a word, has many  forms. After being elected Secretary, I became
                                   denotations. In short,  responsible for sending out multiple emails
                                   it is the process of  prior to and after each meeting. I had to learn
                                   interacting with           how to effectively communicate with other
                                   individuals and their      club members through email. Through this I
       environment. Through such interactions, two            also learned that effective communication is
       or more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs,      not possible without effort from both people                        READY
       thought process, perspectives, and attitudes of
       each other. Such interactions take place through       involved.
       the exchange of information and news through              My time in the Future Stars Gavel Club taught
       the use of words, gestures, signs, symbols, and        me the skills to not only communicate through
       expressions.                                           speeches in front of an audience, but also to                       SET
          Communication skills are one of the most  communicate through technology in an effective
       important skills a person can possess. Having an  manner. These skills have become crucial for
       understanding of how best to describe your needs       my everyday life, they make a huge difference
       and thoughts while understanding what others           in everything I do.
       need can make a huge difference in relationships,         Mariam is a Freshman in High School and has
       career, and all areas of life. Communication is a      been a part of the Future Stars Youth Gavel Club for
       mix of listening and relaying information. How                                                                              GROW
       well you perform these two tasks will have a huge      three years.
       effect on every part of your life. Telling someone        Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication
       what you need and being able to understand             and leadership club administered by Toastmasters
       their needs is crucial to being able to maintain       International, helping the young people of today
       a relationship. Being able to communicate  become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is
       positively with others will determine a large  open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It
       amount of your success in all aspects of life.         gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,
          When I first joined the Future Stars Gavel          thinkers, speakers and leaders.
       Club three years ago, I was not aware of how              The club meets weekly during the school year
       essential communication was in everyday life.          every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW
       After attending my first meeting, I was shocked
       to see people my age not only delivering               160th Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first
       prepared speeches to groups of twenty people,          room in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars                                                                                         $30
       but also giving impromptu speeches in front of         or to visit the club, pleas contact Coach Humaira at
       an audience. A year after joining the club, I had Visitors are encouraged to
       participated in many roles, and given multiple  visit the club and see for themselves why Future Stars                                                                                              FRIDAY ONLY
       speeches in front of an audience. It wasn’t until  should be part of their educational journey.                                                            $90 EARLY BIRD
       I had been elected as Secretary for the club that
       I realized good communication goes beyond                                                                                                                  FRIDAY & SATURDAY                        $65 EARLY BIRD
       just giving speeches.                                                                                                                                                                               SATURDAY ONLY
            Using technology to communicate with                                                                              Camp Withycombe
       others has become a necessary skill to have,
       it’s now part of our lives. People communicate                                                                         15300 Minuteman Way                                                         Marketing Space &
       through emails, texting, mobile phones, video
                                                                                                                              Clackamas, OR 97015                                                         Sponsorships available

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