Page 8 - 2017 August Voices
P. 8

Imagine the job your brain is doing while  Toastmasters transports me to magical

       standing up there getting ready to talk. In that      moments
       short space of time, yout brain is using multiple
       interacting cognitive processes like idea incuba-         Toastmasters allows me to hear simply
       tion, illumination, and verification.                 incredible speeches that move and inspire me,
          Challenging the brain with new activities  or transport me to the magic of another time
       helps to build new brain cells and strengthen  and place.
       connections between them. It’s as if you’re taking        Like the recent meeting in which I was
       your brain to the gym.                                reintroduced to a Grimm’s fairy tale that instantly
                                                             transported me back to the happy childhood
       Toastmasters provides me a sense  memory of my grandfather’s story-telling. For
       of challenge                                          you see, our brains don’t know the difference
                                                             between what is real and imagined. Just being in
          There’s a difference between stress (which  that happy childhood memory—experiencing

       in chronic quantities is bad for our health) and      the excited sense of anticipation involved in
       the ‘stress’ created by a challenge (which wakes      being a child who had a magical storytelling
       us up and is good for our health).                    grandfather—was enough to make my body’s
          Challenging ourselves is the wellspring of         biochemistry hum with health.
       life because it keeps us motivated and aspiring.      Toastmasters expands my compassion
       Imagine you’re waiting in the wings before a
       presentation, flipping through your talk in your  and my sense of connection
       mind’s eye. You know you can do this!
          Epinephrine shoots into your system; norepi-           Then there are the speeches that inspire me
       nephrine follows, but in lesser amounts. Your         and often offer insight about how to be a better
       heart rate increases, your hands get warm, your       person, or spur me on to go the extra mile and
       eyes light up. Cortisol inches up. This is challenge  try something I might not have.
       stress. You’re ready to fly. Good things come             Are there speeches you’ll never forget? That
       from challenge stress, including the growth of  keep coming back to you? That move you—that
       new brains cells.                                     show you the depth of someone’s courage? The
          According to psychologists Robert M. Yerkes  speeches that rip your heart open, so that they
       and John Dillingham Dodson, in Yerkes-Dodson          can be filled to the brim with compassion.
       Law, when epinephrine and norepinephrine                  A member once gave a powerful speech about
       are flowing—as they do when we challenge              how, even though she was homeless and it wasn’t
       ourselves—performance improves. But once              always easy to find a shower, kept coming to
       cortisol arrives, you’re on the downward stress       Toastmasters because it reminded her of the type

       side of the equation.                                 of people she wanted to surround herself with
                                                             and who she wanted to be.  Wow—even  now I can
                                                             remember how my heart was expanded by her
                                                             courage, and how I felt more connected to her.  Or
                                                             the ice breaker I heard from a young man about
                                                             his triumph over the darkness of drugs.  There
                                                             was hardly a dry eye in the place—so many hearts
                                                             all opening together, feeling more connected to
                                                             each other’s humanity and putting that beautiful
                                                             supportive energy out into the world.
                                                                 Being in a state of compassion shunts our
                                                             body’s pharmacy instantaneously into the
                                                             production of health-enhancing hormones,
                                         Taking your brain   reducing inflammation and improving our
                                         to the gym          immune response. What a health gift!

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