Page 32 - Voices November 2016
P. 32


                              Yaquina Toastmasters - A Lesson in

                              Leadership and Inspiration

                              by Cathy French, DTM

                                  A little over a year
       ago, the members of Yaquina Toastmasters in            techniques that have worked for them. They
       Newport, OR. were asked what they valued most          come to TLI’s, officer training, and more of the
       about their club. Some said the public speaking        members are getting involved in the speech
       experience while others liked the camaraderie.         contests.
                                                                  Social media, especially Facebook, is a
       When I visited they had 13 members, a well- run        place where you can go to see all the changes
       meeting and followed an agenda. The speakers
       were polished and the evaluators gave great            this club is making, The VPPR announces in
       feedback. They liked the club just the way it was.     advance who will be the functionaries, speakers
       Does that sound familiar?                              & evaluators.  meeting Awards winners are
          Then along came a new member who listened           announced following the meetings. The VPPR
       to other possibilities for the club. She was excited   is also following the Toastmaster International
       to hear there was more to the experience and           Facebook page and sharing important informa-
       wanted the club to experience it with her. Marissa     tion directly from TI.  This successful club is
       became club president and decided the club             following the guide for a quality club.
                                                                  New members are seeking out the club
       would be Distinguished by the year’s end. That         because it is fun, they are providing a service,
       was going to be a challenge.
          Marissa found a way into the hearts of the          and helping each other every day.
       members. A few agreed to help her reach her                Can your Club be Distinguished?  Yes, it can.
       goal for the club. She reached out to the district,    Reach out to the Yaquina Toastmasters and ask
       found out what needed to be done, and followed         them how they are doing it.
                                                                  It takes only one member believing in
       through on every step along the way. One of the
       tools she used was The Successful Club Series.         your club and its potential. You can be that
          The Successful Club Series contains educa-          member! Motivate the others to help. Serve
       tional topics like Finding New Members,                your members, have fun, and before you know
       Evaluate to Motivate, Creating the Best Club           it, your club will be a
                                                              Distinguished Club.
       Climate, Moments of Truth and other topics.
       The Successful Club Series guide states: A             Congratulations!
       high-quality club encourages and celebrates
       member achievement, provides a supportive
       and fun environment and offers a profession-
       ally organized meeting with variety. In those
       clubs, officers are trained in all aspects of club
       quality to ensure that members have access to a
       formal mentoring program, are provided evalu-
       ations that help them grow and are motivated
       to achieve their goals.
          With the help of the Successful Club Series
       the club achieved the status of Distinguished for
       the 2015-2016 year.
          Under the Leadership of club president
       Brian Norris they are striving to become Select
       Distinguished this year. Brian has a written plan
       and is following it.  The club is using marketing

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