Page 4 - 2016 September Voices!
P. 4

EDITORIAL                                                     Publisher

                Thank you!                                            Phyllis Harmon, DTM

                             by Phyllis A. Harmon, DTM                Associate Publisher
                                                                      Brenda Parsons, ACB, ALS
     How do you say thank you when presented with the highest
recognition the District offers? You do it with humility and          Senior Editor
                                                                      Phyllis Harmon, DTM
     I have a lovely trophy sitting
in a prominent place on my                                            Associate Editors
bookshelf. Every time I pass it,
I’m reminded of the people who                                        Leanna Lindquist, DTM
gave me opportunities to step                                         Donna Stark, DTM
forward and serve. My journey,                                        Cathy French, ACG, CL
culminating at the Celebration of
Communication and Leadership                                          Layout/Design
on August 27th, began at the Fall
Conference in 2008. During the                                        Phyllis Harmon, DTM
business meeting, Lynda Sloan was                                     Curtis Low
announced as the Conference Chair
for the 2009 Spring conference. As                                   2016-17 Officers
a brand new Toastmaster, I hoped
there would be opportunitites for                                     District Director
me to get involved outside my club.
I volunteered (and was accepted)                                      Leanna Lindquist, DTM
to serve on Lynda’s conference
committee. I’ve never stopped                                         Program Quality Director
                                                                      Donna Stark, DTM
     Luckily, District leaders have
always found a spot for me.                                           Club Growth Director
Whether it was serving as a roust-
about at confererences, TLIs, and                                     Cathy French, ACG, ALB
networking events, education
coordinaor, conference chair,                                         Finance Manager
webmaster, mentor/coach, or district officer, they’ve allowed me
to stretch and grow into a much better version of myself.             Jill Ward, ACB, ALB

     Along the way many people have guided, coached, and brought     Administrative Manager
me to task. I thank all of you for your continous support and
feedback. I know that who I was before starting my Toastmasters       Rodger Cook, ACB, ALB
journey is not who I am today. I’m still half-baked, I know, with
many trials ahead of me (hopefully, I’ll acquit myself well without  Public Relations Manager
too many faux pas).
                                                                      Phyllis Harmon, DTM
     Thank you for the honor and priviledge of serving you this
past nine years. I look forward eagerly to our continued journey     Voices! is published monthly by
together.                                                            District 7 Toastmasters. First issue
                                                                     published August 2014. Submit
                                                                     articles via email at voices@

4 Volume 3 Issue 3 - SEPTEMBER 2016
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