Page 12 - 8.2016 Voices
P. 12


Think Outside the Box

by Cathy French, ACGz, ALB—Club Growth Director

    Every day you have the potential to contribute    •	 Is there a college nearby—students,
to another person’s success. Take a few moments            faculty, administration?		
to think about some of the opportunities you
may have missed in the last few weeks.                •	 Who are your favorite sales people?	
                                                      •	 Have you asked your spouse—or the
    Who would you like to mentor? Look on
Google, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social                people they know?			
networks—invite them to your meetings. If they        •	 Who is on your bowling team?
don’t live nearby, invite them to another club in     •	 Multi level marketers, travel agents, insur-
the District. Find someone in that club to greet
them as they enter and mentor if they join.                ance agents, real estate brokers.
                                                           THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! THEN—
    Finding potenial guests:                          bring them in, impress them, ask them to
    •	 Place a flyer on a coffee shop board           join. Then, create a meeting environment
    •	 Review your business cards that you have       that will make them want to stay. If you do
                                                      this, you will certainly finish up with a large,
         collected		                                  strong club.	
    •	 Who sells you products to use in your
                                                     August Updates
         home or business?
    •	 Who contacts you with offers to advertise      •	 Smedley Award—August 1, 2016 through
                                                           September 30, 2016—Grow your club by
         your business?	                                   5 new members for an incentive from
    •	 Who comes to your home to repair or                 Toastmasters International

         enhance your home or yard?	                  •	 Bingo card-I hope you have started filling
    •	 Who do you purchase services from                   out your Bingo card! I look forward to
                                                           seeing who is first to get a Bingo
         outside of your home?		
    •	 Your church bulletin			                        •	 Future DTM’s—Contact Allison Bennett
    •	 Friends and business associates—people              to become part of the Coach program.
                                                           This would fulfill one of the requirements
         they know! 			                                    needed to become a DTM
    •	 Health club bulletin boards 		
    •	 Who belongs to your local PTA?                 •	 The Membership Ambassador program
    •	 Who lives next door or across the                   is starting. We are in need of ambassadors
                                                           on the Coast, Bend and Redmond areas,
         street?	                                          and Vancouver. Southern Oregon is step-
    •	 How about your hairdresser, dentist,                ping up. Yay to all the volunteers there.

         doctor, chiropractor, orthodontist?	       Congratulations to Peer Masters
    •	 Who is on your holiday greeting list?
                                                        Our first newly chartered club of the 2016-
                                                    2017 year. It looks we have a few more that will
                                                    charter this coming month. What an exciting
                                                    year this will be.

12 Volume 3 Issue 2 - AUGUST 2016
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