Page 33 - Voices.June.2016final
P. 33

Happy Anniversary to June Clubs

The following clubs are celebrating their charter anniversary this month. Congratulations to all!

Charter    Years  Clubname                  Charter Years  Clubname
6/12/2001    15   AAA Towsters              6/30/2004 12   Liberty
                  American Red Cross                       MAC
6/17/2002  14     At The River's Edge       6/1/1977   39  McMinnville
                  Canby                                    Moser Community
6/1/1993   23     Capital                   6/1/1988   28  Nano-Mated Speakers
                  Civil Tongues                            NoonTime
6/1/1978   38     Corvallis Evening Group   6/1/1993   23  PMI Portland
                  Eco Voices                               Rogue Valley Networking
6/30/2004 12      Flying Toasters           6/1/2014   2   Sandy Club #8848
                  Fortunate 500                            Speakers With Spirit
6/1/2000   16     Gateway                   6/1/1980   36  Stevenson
                  Grants Pass Toastmasters                 Talk-In-Tel
6/1/1946   70     Hopemasters               6/30/2015  1   The Thrill of The Quill
                  Jantzen                                  The University
6/24/2011  5      Jefferson State           6/6/2012   4   Tsmstrs For Spkg Prof
                  Keizer Communicators                     Tualatin Valley
6/1/1997   19     Leader's Edge             6/1/1992   24  TV Toastmasters

6/1/1988   28                               6/30/2005 11

6/1/1996   20                               6/1/1993   23

6/1/1950   66                               6/1/1985   31

6/28/2011  5                                6/30/2004 12

6/1/1978   38                               6/24/2005 11

6/1/1986   30                               6/29/2011  5

6/30/2010  6                                6/1/1989   27

6/30/2002 14                                6/1/1989   27

A special shout out to Corvallis Evening Group,
Grants Pass, and Dawson Speakers who passed
the half- century mark!

Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016                              33
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