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Highlights and Challenges of My Year a

by Erik Bergman, DTM, Club Growth Director

                                           As my year as Club      I have a long list of people to thank. No one
                                      Growth Director winds    can take on a trio officer role alone – far from it.
down, I’m taking stock of the highlights and what
I learned from my service as a member of the                       To my trio colleagues Michelle Alba-Lim
District 7 trio.                                               and Leanna Lindquist, thank you for the shared
    In August, at the International Convention in              adventures, the ups and downs, and all we
Las Vegas, I felt in awe of the worldwide reach                accomplished together. To Phyllis Harmon,
of Toastmasters. Whether we wear kimonos,                      thank you for your excellence at editing Voices!
turbans or business casual, we share a bond across             and your timely advice on so many subjects.
cultures and continents that is truly powerful.
A peak experience was to take to the stage with                    To Rodger Cook, new club coordinator, and
others from across D7 holding the banner                       Allison Bennett, club coach coordinator, I offer
proclaiming D7 as a Distinguished District. That’s             my special thanks. You both brought energy, skill
a great feeling!                                               and dedication to your roles and provided such
    In January, midyear training brought another               valuable help whenever I needed it.
trip to Las Vegas for a chance to reconnect with
colleagues from up and down the West Coast.                        So many others deserve special mention,
We learned from each other and brought home                    starting with every one of you who helped start
new skills to address the needs of our districts.              a new club. Cleon Cox, tireless creator of new
    In May, the visit of 1st Vice President Balraj             clubs, I salute you! You are such an asset. To all
Arunasalam gave me a chance to learn firsthand                 the club sponsors, club mentors and charter
from an expert club builder and promoter. It                   members, cheers to you! You have helped bring
was a once-in-a-lifetime experience I will never               something new and great to our District. To all
forget. I loved helping hand out corporate                     who are still working on getting a new club to
recognition awards from TI to Nike and US Bank.                charter status, please keep at it, because it will
    Along the way, I felt the highs of each new                be worth the effort.
club we chartered and the lows when a struggling
club called it quits. This year brought challenges,                For me the time is right to step back and
to be sure. To keep it fun, I’ll offer this list of the        become a club officer once more. I went out of
surprising ways my life changed as Club Growth                 my comfort zone to serve the District. I tried
Director:                                                      something I’d never done before, even though
    •	 My home office became a mailing and                     it scared me a lot. I’ve learned that what I love
         shipping center.                                      about Toastmasters is working with members
    •	 My car was jammed with Toastmasters                     rather than email and budgets. I love hearing
         banners, signs and brochures.                         your stories. I love seeing your speech contest
    •	 My garage was taken over by cardboard                   performances. I hope to meet many more of
         boxes of supplies.                                    you at club meetings, TLI and contests in the
    •	 The printing staff at Office Max became                 years ahead.
         my BFFs.
    •	 I needed a shovel to empty my email                         One of my final duties will be to ensure a
         inbox.                                                smooth transition for incoming Club Growth
                                                               Director Cathy French. She deserves everyone’s
                                                               support as she seeks to build new clubs and
                                                               support all clubs in achieving excellence. Please
                                                               join me in wishing Cathy the best of luck – and
                                                               pledge to help her when she asks!

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