Page 5 - 2016 MARCH issue
P. 5

Reach for the

by Allan Edinger, DTM

30 Competent Communicators, 9 old Series, a presenta-
        Competent Leaders, over 300 speeches tion from the Success/
        and 7 DTM”S. . .”Why would you do Leadership or Success/
that?”. The answer is very simple. “Because it’s Communication Series or
there.” “Because I waste nothing. I have been in a Youth Leadership. And finally coach a new
Toastmasters since 1988—nearly 28 years. I waste member with their first three projects. Bingo,
nothing. Every speech counts. Doesn’t matter an Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG). You’re
who you are or what position you hold. Seven done! Simple! A few extra projects and the
DTM’s in 28 years amounts to one every 4 years. Communicator Series is done.
                                                    Third. . .complete a Competent Leader. Not
I could do more but there are a few roadblocks
                                                    that hard. Take positions in your meetings.
that stopped me.
Here are a few clues that will guide you to Volunteer for what you need. The more clubs
                                                    you belong to, the merrier. Serve 6 months
your DTM.
                                                    as a club officer in one of the 7
First. . .have fun in every-
                                                    positions and participate in
thing. See the humor in
                                                    the preparation of a Club
everything. Regardless of
                                                    Success Plan. Participate
the speech you do, with the
                                                    in club officer training and
exception of a few, make
                                                    conduct 2 presentations
them personal. Why
                                                    from Successful Club and/
are you researching a
                                                    or Leadership Excellence
speech? Make almost
                                                    Series. Wow! You have an
every speech one of a
                                                    Advanced Leader Bronze
personal nature. Who can
ask a question or make a
                                                    Fourth (and maybe the
statement that goes against
                                                    hardest). . .complete a
your speech when it is of
                                                    term as a district officer
a personal nature. I can
                                                    (one of seven). Complete
sit with everyone and
                                                    a High Performance
within 10 minutes come
                                                    Leadership Program.
up with 50 personal
                                                    Serve as a club sponsor,
topics, regardless of how
                                                    mentor or coach. You now
old you are. For example,
your mom and dad, 2 brothers and 2 sisters, have an Advanced Leader Silver (ALS). Combine
born in another state, now work in Oregon, what that with your Advanced Communicator Gold
schools have you attended beginning with grade (ACG) and you have your DTM.
                                                    Now a couple of hints. Serving as a Division
school. There are at least 11 subjects, and I have
                                                    Director is easier than as Area Director but
not asked anything about your life.
Second. . .complete 20 speeches and nothing an Area Director is preferred to be first. Area
else, and you have a Competent Communicator Directors visit clubs and Division Directors
(CC) and Advanced Communicator Bronze do not. The High Performance Leadership
(ACB). Ten more speeches and two presenta- program does not have to be Toastmaster
tions from The Better Speaker Series and/or The oriented, but it is much easier if it is. Use the
Successful Club Series and you have an Advanced Area Director or Division Director as your plan.
Communicator Silver (ACS). Complete ten more Try to make all of your clubs distinguished when
speeches from the Advanced Communication they have not been before. Remember your

Volume 2 Issue 8 - MARCH 2016                                                 5
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