Page 21 - Voices Decemper 2015
P. 21

Bad Guys Who Do Good

   on, 501st Legion

                         Why dress up in costume?

                         First, not just any costume will do. Costumes are hand built and
                         assembled by fans, and must be “movie correct” to a specific movie or scene. It is
                         not uncommon for a fan to have over $1500 invested in building a costume. Once
                         built, the costume must pass detailed inspection, and the member must agree to
                         abide by a strict code of conduct.

                         Second, appearance at events are regulated, and are intended to support the commu-
                           nity while sharing the magic of Star Wars with others. These appearances included
                            community events, private engagements, and special events like the release of a
                              new Star Wars movie.

                               Third, 501st members perhaps have their greatest impact in charity fundraising.
                                No member may get paid for their appearance, but instead will redirect funds
                                 towards charities and community needs. In 2012, members spent an estimated

                                  six million combined hours to raise $184,000 in direct contributions to chari-
                                   ties, and participated in events raising $14.7 million worldwide.

                                   Locally, we are known as the Cloud City Garrison and Kashyykk Base.
                                    Find out our upcoming events and appearances at

                                501st Legion
                         Rebel Legion
                         Bounty Hunters

                         Mark Scholz joined Toastmasters in October 2001. He is a
                         member of Wallmasters International and Feedbackers. In his
                         spare time, Mark can be found attending charity events, as
                         a biker scout with the Cloud City Garrison in the uniform he
                         designed. He is shown here in full regalia. When off duty, he
                         has been known to appear as Darth Vader.

Volume 2 Issue 5 - DECEMBER 2015  21
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