Page 26 - Voices! - September 2015
P. 26

Lead LikeYou Mean It

Competent Leadership in Action

by Karen O’Keefe, DTM
Like most new members who become Toastmasters, I was barely aware of the Competent Leadership (CL)
manual. After all, I’d joined to learn how to be a better speaker. My first club focused on the Competent
Communication manual (CC). Nonetheless, I brought my CL manual to each meeting and asked someone
to evaluate me for each role in which I served. Just by showing up each week, serving in a role, and getting
evaluated, I completed 6 out of the 10 manual projects before I realized it—long before I completed that
many speeches. Ultimately, I completed both manuals within a month or so of one another.
Few of the new members, and almost none of the experienced people in my club, brought their CL manuals to
meetings. Many of the experienced members had already completed theirs—and my initial impression was
that once you earned a CL, you had mastered the roles and didn’t need to be evaluated for serving in them
again. Was I ever wrong!

                                                           Whether you are new to Toastmasters or are an “old pro,” you
                                                           are familiar with the Toastmasters meeting format: some
                                                           members serve in meeting roles, while other people speak.
                                                           It happens every meeting. Each and every role, including
                                                           prepared and impromptu speakers, has a corresponding
                                                           project in the CL manual. If you are not bringing a CL manual
                                                           to each meeting and getting evaluated (and credit) for what
                                                           you do, you, your club members, and your club are missing
                                                           How are you missing out? Each time you serve in a role, you
                                                           have a fresh opportunity to improve your leadership skills. By
                                                           reading each project, performing the steps defined for that
role for that project, and being evaluated for your service in that role, you will receive feedback that will help
you learn and be more effective the next time. Plus, you will receive credit toward a new CL award. I have
heard some members say they are tired of serving in a particular role (say, grammarian), If you are bored or
are not having fun in your role, you are not doing it right. There are unlimited ways to approach each meeting
role creatively. Make it fun—for yourself and others—and get credit while you do it. Little known fact: you can
complete (and receive credit for) one new CL manual each year for each club you belong to.
How are your club members missing out? For one thing, if new members don’t see you bring your manuals
to each meeting, they will not bring theirs. If new members don’t see you getting evaluated for your service in
meeting roles, they will feel funny asking you to evaluate them. Be an example to your other club members.
Encourage them to make progress in the CL manual and move toward success. Show them the art of the
possible. That is competent leadership in action.
How is your club missing out? Each year, your club must meet several goals to succeed in the Distinguished
Club program (DCP). Two of the goals (5 and 6) can be met with completed CL manuals. If your club gets in
the habit of using CL manuals, they will easily meet these and other DCP requirements…and each and every
one of you will be excellent examples of leadership.
To effect any change requires planning and purpose. If you want to make completing CL manuals an easy
habit to create, order item 1555L (a CL four-pack) from the Toastmasters International online store. I keep
one CL manual in my car, one in my desk at home, one at my desk at work, and one at a club that has a file
organizer for that purpose. Sign up for roles a few weeks at a time, based on projects in your CL manual. By
using the CL manual, you are making the most of your Toastmasters experience. Remember, Toastmasters is
where leaders are made.
Next month, I’ll revisit the idea of approaching each role creatively—with a fresh eye—and will help you find
new ideas to try next time you serve in a role.

26 Volume 2 Issue 3 - SEPT 2015
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